Sorry you little dirty minds, no porn to look at.
How to make a non entity the main topic of discussion. First you tell people over and over, with great zeal and urgency that this imaginary thing is about to happen and soon, almost to soon to be stopped. Then you give them one and only one option that just might keep it at bay. What might that option be? Give more money to the richest of the rich. They know best how to handle money, right? Actually no, they don't. They know how to spend it on themselves. But, if not the richest, then who? The working man, not the poorest, not the richest, no, the middle classes. They know how to save, they know how to spend on the occasional luxury item, they know how to cut corners in order to have that occasional luxury. The men and women you want read books, newspapers, use the internet for more than social and shopping. The ones who by a cell phone for making calls and upgrade when the old cell stops working. They clip coupons shop sales and never buy the latest, newest, just gotta' have it to be different like everyone else crap. Farmers, shop keepers, teachers (you know they spend their own money on classroom supplies) union members and the like. People who work for a living, not get paid to create unemployment (venture capitalist are super at that). Way back in the 80's a very stupid actor (never vote for a man who makes a living acting in really bad films co-staring a chimp) turned politician promoted an equally stupid idea called Trickle Down Economics (fatal to all economies it comes in contact with), and the incredibly stupid party he belonged to is still trying to make it work. (I am reminded of a story involving a deceased horse and a stick) I hear tears welling up inside Mr (Hang on Sloopy)John B. The middles classes are inherently the most important of the classes to the health and survival of any viable economy. They employ via small businesses the largest portion of the populace, not the Walmart's not the government. Take the time to add up all the small businesses and count them as one entity, it'll blow your tiny corporate mind. Take away the building contractor, where is your house now? The plumber? What's that semi liquid around your ankles? It ain't gold Mr K. That pretty car you ride in, how'd that gas get in the tank?
Now for the porn (kinda)-
There once was a man from Nantucket
who carried his beer in a bucket
he slipped on a shell and his beer went to hell
so he scooped up the sand and sucked it.
did I piss you off? I will
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Is Business Really Anti-Union?
Over the last few years Big business and their allies have been waging war on Unions calling them, among other thing, anti-American. Question is, is business really anti-union? A union is a coalition of similar interests, people, or organizations that join together for their collective good. OPEC just happens to be a union (cartel) of oil producing nations. A conglomerate is a union (cartel) of companies come together for their collective good (profit).
Interesting to note, syndicate is synonymous with both cartel and mafia.
This attack on the working class is nothing more than smoke and mirrors by the Republican Party and their corporate sponsors. Corporations are nothing more than a union of shareholders, a cartel, a mafia. Worker Unions are also a cartel, a mafia if you will, with one slight difference. The sole purpose of incorporation is to limit they companies liability/liabilities monetarily and legally. Workers Unions were and are there to keep the business owners from forcing workers to toil in substandard conditions for little to no pay in order to increase (maximize) profits at the cost of workers health and lives. Without unions there never would have been OSHA rules, vacation, daily and weekly time worked limits, healthcare, retirement and age limits banning child labor or a middle class with the buying power to fuel a consumer driven market. A simplified explanation is here:
So, is Big Business really anti-union? No. They just don't want workers unionized fighting the union of them. It's all the same thing, business just uses a different term. A synonym is a synonym none the less. Corporations are unions. Unions are made up of people but they like corporations are not people.
did I piss you off? I will.
Interesting to note, syndicate is synonymous with both cartel and mafia.
This attack on the working class is nothing more than smoke and mirrors by the Republican Party and their corporate sponsors. Corporations are nothing more than a union of shareholders, a cartel, a mafia. Worker Unions are also a cartel, a mafia if you will, with one slight difference. The sole purpose of incorporation is to limit they companies liability/liabilities monetarily and legally. Workers Unions were and are there to keep the business owners from forcing workers to toil in substandard conditions for little to no pay in order to increase (maximize) profits at the cost of workers health and lives. Without unions there never would have been OSHA rules, vacation, daily and weekly time worked limits, healthcare, retirement and age limits banning child labor or a middle class with the buying power to fuel a consumer driven market. A simplified explanation is here:
So, is Big Business really anti-union? No. They just don't want workers unionized fighting the union of them. It's all the same thing, business just uses a different term. A synonym is a synonym none the less. Corporations are unions. Unions are made up of people but they like corporations are not people.
did I piss you off? I will.
Monday, November 26, 2012
The quest for maximum profits in the short term as apposed to long term investments and the fall of GDP
Domestic production is at an all time low due to the exportation of manufacturing in America. Unions, the backbone of American labor, are under full assault and worker benefits are nonexistent. Short term profits are up, but what will happen long term? As the domestic job market dried up due to outsourcing GDP, as one would expect fell. With the loss of good paying full time jobs at home, with health and retirement benefits, the American family has less money to spend on non-essentials. This loss of buying power equates to lower sales, i.e. luxuries such as vacation, a second car, dinning out etc. Americans are already holding off on upgrading computers and cellphones. Enrollments in Universities and four year schools have been slipping due to the cost of classes and interest rates. Long time employees are losing their jobs to cost cutting down sizing leading to an inability to assist their children's higher education. Sick days are being cut back, health care costs are becoming insurmountable which forces workers to go in while contagious spreading infection to co-worker who in turn work while infected. This greatly lowers productivity and decreases profits. However short term is still up for now.
The importance of unions in this has been vilified, but are unions bad for profits? Contrary to what has been said about unions they actually increase worker output. Union workers are more secure in their jobs, security being key. When a worker feels this sense of security and unionism with their fellow workers they tend to be more relaxed and productive. They take a little more pride in their work. When corporations show loyalty to the workforce this sense of pride again increases and productivity and quality increase. Now what might be the most over looked role of the union, and incidentally of great benefit to the corporation is worker/worker dispute and resolution. Management wastes valuable time with what mainly turns out to be petty disputes gotten out of hand due to the intimidating fear of management. Union reps are not management and therefore not in the intimidating position to fire employees. The union rep is one of the us, as apposed to the them. These disputes are usually settled outside of the work place and not on company time. Production does not drop due to a loss of time. Corporate demonizing of unions is foolish on all levels except when viewed as a sick tree in the middle of the forest by short sighted concrete dwellers. By that I mean those without knowledge of forests and trees. You can cut a wide swatch through the forest to get to the tree and remove it permanently, which is what a concrete dweller would do, or you could bring in a qualified tree surgeon and have them go through the forest and heal the tree. The surgeon takes longer, but it doesn't destroy the forest.
The inherent problem with short term profit maximization is the unavoidable damage to the underlying corporate foundation. This damage constitutes the viability and usefulness of the corporation in the long term and overall risk assessment beyond the immediate. Despite a recent ruling corporations are not people, but they are made up of people. How viable is a corporation that has been stripped of it's most valuable assets? What usefulness, economically speaking, is a corporation that creates poverty within it's rank and file? One that only cares about using it's own assets up without regard to the rights of all employees both in-house and within the outsourced manufacturing facilities in the quest for short term maximum profit?
The current economic crises, domestic and foreign, are directly correlated to the global trend of short sighted profit maximization, the failure of the banking system to self regulate and reign in it's over zealous lending, again to maximize profit, and world governments complete disregard of inherent corruptions within a system of self regulation.
did I piss you off? I will.
The importance of unions in this has been vilified, but are unions bad for profits? Contrary to what has been said about unions they actually increase worker output. Union workers are more secure in their jobs, security being key. When a worker feels this sense of security and unionism with their fellow workers they tend to be more relaxed and productive. They take a little more pride in their work. When corporations show loyalty to the workforce this sense of pride again increases and productivity and quality increase. Now what might be the most over looked role of the union, and incidentally of great benefit to the corporation is worker/worker dispute and resolution. Management wastes valuable time with what mainly turns out to be petty disputes gotten out of hand due to the intimidating fear of management. Union reps are not management and therefore not in the intimidating position to fire employees. The union rep is one of the us, as apposed to the them. These disputes are usually settled outside of the work place and not on company time. Production does not drop due to a loss of time. Corporate demonizing of unions is foolish on all levels except when viewed as a sick tree in the middle of the forest by short sighted concrete dwellers. By that I mean those without knowledge of forests and trees. You can cut a wide swatch through the forest to get to the tree and remove it permanently, which is what a concrete dweller would do, or you could bring in a qualified tree surgeon and have them go through the forest and heal the tree. The surgeon takes longer, but it doesn't destroy the forest.
The inherent problem with short term profit maximization is the unavoidable damage to the underlying corporate foundation. This damage constitutes the viability and usefulness of the corporation in the long term and overall risk assessment beyond the immediate. Despite a recent ruling corporations are not people, but they are made up of people. How viable is a corporation that has been stripped of it's most valuable assets? What usefulness, economically speaking, is a corporation that creates poverty within it's rank and file? One that only cares about using it's own assets up without regard to the rights of all employees both in-house and within the outsourced manufacturing facilities in the quest for short term maximum profit?
The current economic crises, domestic and foreign, are directly correlated to the global trend of short sighted profit maximization, the failure of the banking system to self regulate and reign in it's over zealous lending, again to maximize profit, and world governments complete disregard of inherent corruptions within a system of self regulation.
did I piss you off? I will.
Monday, November 19, 2012
What I have been trying to come to terms with since the elections here in America is the infantile responses from right side of the aisles. One of my favorites is how Obama stole the election by having his people out there, this is the good part, convincing voters to (gasp) vote for him. Don't get me wrong I had loads of fun reading Tweets from the Cotton Candy Piss head (thank you Mr Jillette), and the washed-up has-been scratchy sick cat poaching whack job 'don't you know who I used to be' rocker, but, as always life continues. Keeping that in mind I'll stay brief and link just one interesting article.
To all the Tea-party members here and abroad,
did I piss you off? I will
Have a lovely day.
To all the Tea-party members here and abroad,
did I piss you off? I will
Have a lovely day.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sandy has past off to the north dissipating slowly into the media memory of many Americans, as do most stories we are not left to pick up after. Interesting how here in Texas I did not hear anyone mention the storm today on the right wing radio shows. No word about Governor Christie of New Jersey praising our standing President for setting up federal aid before the storm devastated the shores of the Northeast. No not a word. I chose not to listen to the Glenn Beckistans of conservatism. I just was not in the mood for blatant foul mouthed lies today. I'll get to the point,
I have a newfound respect for Governor Christie, he put the people of New Jersey first. This is a rare thing for any of the current republican party leaders.
One more link I feel can not be shared enough,
Self regulation, not such an intelligent choice after all is it Mr. Romney?
Well my friends in arms, I need to try and get some sleep. It has been a long week with family in harms way on Long Island, friends in New Jersey down through the Carolinas and I have not yet picked up my socks.
Did I piss you off? I will
I have a newfound respect for Governor Christie, he put the people of New Jersey first. This is a rare thing for any of the current republican party leaders.
One more link I feel can not be shared enough,
Self regulation, not such an intelligent choice after all is it Mr. Romney?
Well my friends in arms, I need to try and get some sleep. It has been a long week with family in harms way on Long Island, friends in New Jersey down through the Carolinas and I have not yet picked up my socks.
Did I piss you off? I will
Monday, October 22, 2012
Mitt Romney claims he saved the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. This seems to be in dispute by one or two organisations.
Paul Ryan appears not to care all that much about anything not contributing to his own personal pleasure (profit).
The following was posted by a Republican cheering section that failed to check the facts. There is currently a bit of a plague running through The Republican party Ra-Ra teams that has affected their ability to search out the source of information. Pay attention to the ticker line and the call letters of this TV station. (KPHO)
Got that? Now take a look at who owns this station and what other stations they own. This is actually only a partial list of their holdings. Meredith owns some of the most widely read women's mags in America. What makes this all the more interesting is that the cheering section I mentioned suggested an attempt of voter fraud by CBS News. CBS is one of the so called Liberal media companies the rightist Republicans have constantly accused of liberal bias. A very useful trick used to keep voters home is to announce the winner of an election well before the end of voting thereby keeping those who do not always vote because of the trouble of getting to the polls from voting. I am of course referring to the poor, the elderly, sick and disabled. The tv show this aired on has a large viewership of the undereducated poorer members of our country. The same section of society that the voter ID laws were designed to keep from casting votes.
Now let's look at some more of the media Meredith owns. Mind that thier market is women, with a sidestep to girls.
Finally the man with the plan. Take a look at this resume, down towards the bottom. Venture capitalist. Hello, Mitt Romney's friend? Followed by Fiscal Report 2013. (depending on the outcome of the Presidential election) Really.
did I piss you off? I will
Paul Ryan appears not to care all that much about anything not contributing to his own personal pleasure (profit).
The following was posted by a Republican cheering section that failed to check the facts. There is currently a bit of a plague running through The Republican party Ra-Ra teams that has affected their ability to search out the source of information. Pay attention to the ticker line and the call letters of this TV station. (KPHO)
Got that? Now take a look at who owns this station and what other stations they own. This is actually only a partial list of their holdings. Meredith owns some of the most widely read women's mags in America. What makes this all the more interesting is that the cheering section I mentioned suggested an attempt of voter fraud by CBS News. CBS is one of the so called Liberal media companies the rightist Republicans have constantly accused of liberal bias. A very useful trick used to keep voters home is to announce the winner of an election well before the end of voting thereby keeping those who do not always vote because of the trouble of getting to the polls from voting. I am of course referring to the poor, the elderly, sick and disabled. The tv show this aired on has a large viewership of the undereducated poorer members of our country. The same section of society that the voter ID laws were designed to keep from casting votes.
Now let's look at some more of the media Meredith owns. Mind that thier market is women, with a sidestep to girls.
Finally the man with the plan. Take a look at this resume, down towards the bottom. Venture capitalist. Hello, Mitt Romney's friend? Followed by Fiscal Report 2013. (depending on the outcome of the Presidential election) Really.
did I piss you off? I will
Friday, October 19, 2012
Having gone over tape after tape of the last Presidential debate, I am flabbergasted by the number of people still supporting Mitt Romney. I have been having an unbelievably hard time believing anything word this man utters. Does he not know we have sound and video recordings of the debates, interviews and stump stops he has been on? Does Mitt not know about published transcripts? Bank and investment transparencies (you can't hide it all you know)? We all know he has hidden assets, IRS tax returns and the like, but is he so arrogant as to think he is just so much smarter than every other living human that he must be believed at all times? I think he does. Case in point:
Romney clearly claims to have been against the GM bailout yet he and his wife made $15.3 million from it. You might also pay close attention to how Sensata Technologies (heavily invested in by Bain) has shuttered it's Illinois factory and shipped jobs out of the US economic picture into China. This from the man with the plan to create jobs here in America. Just how is that? By outsourcing US jobs to China. Getting back to the GM bailout, Mitt firt states he was against it, using it as a bad thing President Obama did, then he back peddles saying President Obama did just what he, Mitt, was going to do. Really? So please Mr. Romney, do tell us which one was it? Did the President do the right thing that you wanted to do, or did President Obama do the wrong thing that you wanted to do? The world wants to know Mr. Romney. Pick something, anything and stay with it. Kind of like you did with your dog on the roof thing, oh sorry, he liked the fresh air from inside the airtight doggy carrier. BTW I will never let that go, I have respect for dogs.
did I piss you off? I will
Romney clearly claims to have been against the GM bailout yet he and his wife made $15.3 million from it. You might also pay close attention to how Sensata Technologies (heavily invested in by Bain) has shuttered it's Illinois factory and shipped jobs out of the US economic picture into China. This from the man with the plan to create jobs here in America. Just how is that? By outsourcing US jobs to China. Getting back to the GM bailout, Mitt firt states he was against it, using it as a bad thing President Obama did, then he back peddles saying President Obama did just what he, Mitt, was going to do. Really? So please Mr. Romney, do tell us which one was it? Did the President do the right thing that you wanted to do, or did President Obama do the wrong thing that you wanted to do? The world wants to know Mr. Romney. Pick something, anything and stay with it. Kind of like you did with your dog on the roof thing, oh sorry, he liked the fresh air from inside the airtight doggy carrier. BTW I will never let that go, I have respect for dogs.
did I piss you off? I will
Thursday, October 11, 2012
the end is nearing
Nearing the Presidential Election the polls have started to settle down, the pancic from the far right has grown into the nonsensical. The Republican candidate has yet again changed position on a few hotbed topics. Most notably Planned Parenthood. A few short days ago Mr. Romney was stating he was going to end all funding to Planned Parenthood because they perform abortions. They do. Not many and they offer women other alternatives. Abortions make up about 2% of their yearly budget. Now wait, that's not all he has objected to. They offer condoms. Those horrible latex items that help stop the spread of STD's, like, oh say AIDS. Now as he slips in the polls he is what, pro choice? I am not for or against abortion, but I can't get pregnant. I'm a man. I could be raped, as traumatic as that would be, I still can't get pregnant. My life will not be on the line due to complications, I will not ever go through the hell of giving birth to a child so greatly deformed or sick that it can not live without medical intervention and care for as long as the child is forced to live. Yes I said forced, when a life is kept by artificial means, one that would never have survived outside of the womb, that is life by force plain and simple. I consider that a crime against the child. The all true hypocrisy of these pro life coalitionists is they want to dictate their beliefs on the world without taking responsibility for the lives they claim to be saving. How many orphaned children have the Romneys adopted? Surely they can afford to, they are billionaires. Hell that great family loving man could feed an African nation for a year and still be rich. I for one am surprised that he hasn't jumped at the chance, he's done everything else in his attempt to look like he cares about the under classes. I have never been so morally corrupt as to think that I, a man, have the right to tell a woman, or any human, what they are allowed to do with their bodies.
did I piss you off? I will.
did I piss you off? I will.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Toilets and other political stuff.
I have two toilets, they both flush. They are white porcelain and they do exactly what they were made to do. Way back in my past I built houses from time to time for people with a little more money than they needed. Some of them, to my surprise, had a penchant for fancy toilets. Why this was I really can't say. I mean we all know what a toilet is for. I start my day on one. Have you ever installed a gold plated toilet? I have. After I finished I was told not to let anyone use it. It was a special toilet for special people. I have often wondered just how the feces of these special people might compare to the excrement of the rest of us. I happen to know the toilet flushes into the same sewer pipe as all the other toilets in town. What does this have to do with politics? Politicians spend tax money, some buy cheap toilets that never flush, some try for the toilet that costs a little more but lasts for years and others only see the glamour in having a gold pot to shit in. We have some hard choices to make these days about how to bring this economy back. Do we go for the gold or build to last? Does it make any sense to close public toilets and fill the streets with the excrement of the ordinary citizenry while giving the special ones (in their minds only) gold toilets? Some of them, I'm sure, feel they are entitled to gold toilets. I think they are full of shit, but aren't they special?
Trickle that shit down.
did I piss you off? I will.
Monday, September 24, 2012
and who thinks Airliner windows should roll down?
Short and to the point. Mitt Romney wants to lead America. Well Mr Romney I think you should get on a 767 and roll down the windows at 8 miles high. Do that and you can have my vote.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Mitt Romney, Monsanto and you.Mitt Romney, Monsanto and you?
Once upon a time in a land far away.....there lived a handsome Prince. He was kind and sweet and loved his subjects.
Never happened, never will. This time around more propaganda is smeared across the country than at any time I can think of. One of my favorites is corporations are people too. Why would anyone want that to become law? Easy really, someone has their hand in a corporate pocket. Give the corporation the same privacy rights as a person and they can buy votes for whatever they want to pass into law.
Mitt Romney it appears is owned by Monsanto. Monsanto is a chemical company that has been geneticly modifying plant seeds for more years than I have been alive, think wheat. They gave us Roundup weed control, tried to sell it as safe and it's not. They gave us DDT and almost wiped out many species in the 1960s. They gave us Agent Orange. They have sued organic farms and won, despite the lack of their GMO seeds being used. How, you might ask? A bee pollinated a modified plant then flew over to an organic farm and did what bees do, thereby infecting the organic plant with test tube genes. The courts ruled in Monsanto's favor because they hold a patent on the modified gene. Really. Without interference from the Executive branches of government they will effectively own the entire planets food supply. Now how does Mr. Romney fit in to this? Monsanto was and most likely is one of his major sources of money. They were one of his first clients back when the Mitt and Bain were young dumb and greedy. He has since grow older.
The question going into this election should be not what has one candidate or the other done for the country,but rather, what are they going to do to America and the American people. Mitt has already stated that corporations are people just like you and me. Keeping that in mind try to imagine which group of people he will be working for. Are we even on his mind, or just the companies that can and will make him richer?
(for more insight start with Wikipedia, Mitt Romney, Monsanto...)
Never happened, never will. This time around more propaganda is smeared across the country than at any time I can think of. One of my favorites is corporations are people too. Why would anyone want that to become law? Easy really, someone has their hand in a corporate pocket. Give the corporation the same privacy rights as a person and they can buy votes for whatever they want to pass into law.
Mitt Romney it appears is owned by Monsanto. Monsanto is a chemical company that has been geneticly modifying plant seeds for more years than I have been alive, think wheat. They gave us Roundup weed control, tried to sell it as safe and it's not. They gave us DDT and almost wiped out many species in the 1960s. They gave us Agent Orange. They have sued organic farms and won, despite the lack of their GMO seeds being used. How, you might ask? A bee pollinated a modified plant then flew over to an organic farm and did what bees do, thereby infecting the organic plant with test tube genes. The courts ruled in Monsanto's favor because they hold a patent on the modified gene. Really. Without interference from the Executive branches of government they will effectively own the entire planets food supply. Now how does Mr. Romney fit in to this? Monsanto was and most likely is one of his major sources of money. They were one of his first clients back when the Mitt and Bain were young dumb and greedy. He has since grow older.
The question going into this election should be not what has one candidate or the other done for the country,but rather, what are they going to do to America and the American people. Mitt has already stated that corporations are people just like you and me. Keeping that in mind try to imagine which group of people he will be working for. Are we even on his mind, or just the companies that can and will make him richer?
(for more insight start with Wikipedia, Mitt Romney, Monsanto...)
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The great trickle down theory of Reaganomics. It has now been about thirty years in play and I have yet to meet anyone who had anything trickle down to them. This is how Reagan claimed it worked, give tax breaks to the people on the top of the money pile, they in turn buy more stuff and the money flows down the economic pile to the middle class. Sounded good to some, I however with my feeble hormone teaming always looking for the next hot babe mind thought bull shit! The rich will not buy more stuff and the only thing that will or can run down a pile of manure is wet manure. I had this analogy I came up with back then and I still see it holds true today; A teaspoon of water poured over a pile of bull shit is just that, a teaspoon of damp bull shit. Manufacturing jobs have all but been sent over seas, not because American workers are or were lazy then, but because cheep labor equates to greater profits. Reagan started deregulating industry, banks, the phone company, cable, etc. and none of the savings promised to the American people materialized. Prices went up to offset the cost of the initial start up incurred by these new competitors and the price did not go down as promised. The list of lies from the Republican Party goes on for what seem to be forever, they create jobs, (overseas) , big government hurts free enterprise, when it was these same Republicans who have passed more laws creating big government then the Democratic Party. Look it up, they love government regulations that favor the rich, they just don't like regulations that reign in corporate greed.
One of my favorite catch phrases is entitlements. Just what is meant by that? You buy food, a car a house are you not entitled to eat the food, drive the car and live in the house? Those are entitlements. Let's see what my good friend The Oxford American says about entitle/entitled: v. [tr.] (usu. be entitled) give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something: employees are normally entitled to severance pay.- entitlement n.
I know that I payed my share into unemployment, Medicare and Social Security, therefore I am entitled to collect all three if and when needed,
One last thought; If you have a mortgage on your house and/or an auto loan on your car is not the bank entitled to live in the house they legally own and drive the car they legally own? After all legally they hold title. It is their entitlement as well as yours. Is it not?
did I piss you off? I will.
One of my favorite catch phrases is entitlements. Just what is meant by that? You buy food, a car a house are you not entitled to eat the food, drive the car and live in the house? Those are entitlements. Let's see what my good friend The Oxford American says about entitle/entitled: v. [tr.] (usu. be entitled) give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something: employees are normally entitled to severance pay.- entitlement n.
I know that I payed my share into unemployment, Medicare and Social Security, therefore I am entitled to collect all three if and when needed,
One last thought; If you have a mortgage on your house and/or an auto loan on your car is not the bank entitled to live in the house they legally own and drive the car they legally own? After all legally they hold title. It is their entitlement as well as yours. Is it not?
did I piss you off? I will.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Hypocrisy and the moral right. Pro-life, self righteous, Christian moralists and their incessant crusade to save us from ourselves. The shared addiction of forcing their will upon the masses. A collective denial of themselves and the natural animal urges embedded within the human genome.
To prefix I should point out that this is not an attack on religion per se, but rather a pointing out of the false hoods of a powerful group of so called Christians that have been slowly high-jacking America for personal monetary gain through the use of terror tactics aimed at those who do not agree with there choice of life style. Yes choice, not by natural means embedded within the human make up, but a learned hatred, prejudice really against any and all who were taught differently from them, ie: people who think for themselves and question the validity of the claims of others without being told how to think. These are the people who continually claim Homosexuality to be a choice of, rather than a natural occurrence. They ignore science. They claim the world to be 3500 years old and yet use the science to try and prove that global warming happens all the time like it did millions of years ago. They want it both ways. Science is false for them unless they can use it to disprove all theories other than their own.
How far are we as a whole going to allow this rampant assault on our right to think, choose and decide what is best for us as individuals? We, as a free people, have the inalienable right as put forth by the founders of this country, to the pursuit of happiness, life and liberty. No where in the Constitution of These United States does it state a "Christian based" country, government or anything other than a government that guarantees the freedom of religion. Those last three words are the important ones. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. It was not until after the Second World War that the terms 'IN GOD WE TRUST' and 'ONE NATION UNDER GOD' came in to play. A fearful response to the false threat of a Communist infiltration and or takeover of America. Propagated by the fear mongers of the day and kept alive for a more than handsome profit by the war machine America has become today. There is no profit in peace. What does this have to do with the Christian Right? Simply put, everything. The Christian Right is neither right (correct) nor are they really Christian. What was that bit in that book they love to quote so much? Oh, yes, killing is bad. A sin I believe it is referred to. I have looked and for the life of me I can not find any footnote about, well maybe killing is OK if those you kill are different from you, darker skin maybe, call this god thing by a different name or just kind of have a tiny bit different way of living. I just don't seem to find those footnotes. Now on to the why and the how.
Abortion: Bad. Why? Dead solders can't fight. Dead children don't grow up and feed the war machine.
No profit in that.
Homosexuality: Bad. Why? No children made to feed the war machine.
No profit in that.
Religion: Good. Why? Religion feeds on the fear of the unknown, it offers a simple answer to the question of why we are here. Is religion a real answer? No. Why? You must believe in the unbelievable.
You must believe: The single most asinine reason yet to be used as an answer. I must believe? Tell me, who came up with that and why did anyone in their right mind (pun fully intended) say OK? Can any of you find in this book of yours who it was who first said that and to whom? No. Why? It is not in there, or to put it another way, it was not so written.
The word of God: Really? Any witnesses to that? No. That has been clearly written, no man was allowed to see. Oh well, we will all just take the word of, what was his name again? Would you believe me if I said God came to me through one of his messengers as I slept(dreamed) and told me that He, God, did not exist? No. Why? Easy answer for you here, God does not talk to non believers, right? Wrong. That too is written in your book. The Lord made himself known. Until that time there were no believers so He does, and has sent word to non believers. Where is this hypocrisy I mentioned? You just read it. The hypocrisy of these believers is that they claim to be but are not Christian by deed. I have no problem with those who believe and live as the Bible says to live. The Koran says the same things, as does the Torah.
The Lies, hypocrisy, Truth of the Christian Right:
Abortion is bad, war kills are good. My way of thinking is the only way. Over population is good, not making babies is bad. Casting out excess populations as worthless shit is justifiable, feeding and caring for the lives you forced into being is bad and inconvenient, making false claims about the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is good when there is a profit to be made. God wants Christians to be rich and non your- kind -of- Christians and all others to be poor and serve you as long as you don't have to see or come in contact with them is God's master plan and must be good.
did I piss you off? I will.
To prefix I should point out that this is not an attack on religion per se, but rather a pointing out of the false hoods of a powerful group of so called Christians that have been slowly high-jacking America for personal monetary gain through the use of terror tactics aimed at those who do not agree with there choice of life style. Yes choice, not by natural means embedded within the human make up, but a learned hatred, prejudice really against any and all who were taught differently from them, ie: people who think for themselves and question the validity of the claims of others without being told how to think. These are the people who continually claim Homosexuality to be a choice of, rather than a natural occurrence. They ignore science. They claim the world to be 3500 years old and yet use the science to try and prove that global warming happens all the time like it did millions of years ago. They want it both ways. Science is false for them unless they can use it to disprove all theories other than their own.
How far are we as a whole going to allow this rampant assault on our right to think, choose and decide what is best for us as individuals? We, as a free people, have the inalienable right as put forth by the founders of this country, to the pursuit of happiness, life and liberty. No where in the Constitution of These United States does it state a "Christian based" country, government or anything other than a government that guarantees the freedom of religion. Those last three words are the important ones. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. It was not until after the Second World War that the terms 'IN GOD WE TRUST' and 'ONE NATION UNDER GOD' came in to play. A fearful response to the false threat of a Communist infiltration and or takeover of America. Propagated by the fear mongers of the day and kept alive for a more than handsome profit by the war machine America has become today. There is no profit in peace. What does this have to do with the Christian Right? Simply put, everything. The Christian Right is neither right (correct) nor are they really Christian. What was that bit in that book they love to quote so much? Oh, yes, killing is bad. A sin I believe it is referred to. I have looked and for the life of me I can not find any footnote about, well maybe killing is OK if those you kill are different from you, darker skin maybe, call this god thing by a different name or just kind of have a tiny bit different way of living. I just don't seem to find those footnotes. Now on to the why and the how.
Abortion: Bad. Why? Dead solders can't fight. Dead children don't grow up and feed the war machine.
No profit in that.
Homosexuality: Bad. Why? No children made to feed the war machine.
No profit in that.
Religion: Good. Why? Religion feeds on the fear of the unknown, it offers a simple answer to the question of why we are here. Is religion a real answer? No. Why? You must believe in the unbelievable.
You must believe: The single most asinine reason yet to be used as an answer. I must believe? Tell me, who came up with that and why did anyone in their right mind (pun fully intended) say OK? Can any of you find in this book of yours who it was who first said that and to whom? No. Why? It is not in there, or to put it another way, it was not so written.
The word of God: Really? Any witnesses to that? No. That has been clearly written, no man was allowed to see. Oh well, we will all just take the word of, what was his name again? Would you believe me if I said God came to me through one of his messengers as I slept(dreamed) and told me that He, God, did not exist? No. Why? Easy answer for you here, God does not talk to non believers, right? Wrong. That too is written in your book. The Lord made himself known. Until that time there were no believers so He does, and has sent word to non believers. Where is this hypocrisy I mentioned? You just read it. The hypocrisy of these believers is that they claim to be but are not Christian by deed. I have no problem with those who believe and live as the Bible says to live. The Koran says the same things, as does the Torah.
The Lies, hypocrisy, Truth of the Christian Right:
Abortion is bad, war kills are good. My way of thinking is the only way. Over population is good, not making babies is bad. Casting out excess populations as worthless shit is justifiable, feeding and caring for the lives you forced into being is bad and inconvenient, making false claims about the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is good when there is a profit to be made. God wants Christians to be rich and non your- kind -of- Christians and all others to be poor and serve you as long as you don't have to see or come in contact with them is God's master plan and must be good.
did I piss you off? I will.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Part 1
Ah, the joys of politics. I get sick of the lies. It matters not the party, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Interdependent, Green, Socialist, Communist, blue state, red state, green state, police state. No, nor does the year mater all that much. They all lie. My opponent is bad, I am your economic savior! I have the plan. The plan! My plan is best! Blah, blah, blah. I have heard so many lies from all sources, all media, all regurgitating again and again the same load of crap. Same BS in every country, giant ego's wanting to be stroked. Tell you anything for a vote, pass a law if the payoff is good. The whole world is run by greedy psychopaths, all to lazy to work for a living. While telling the masses what is best for them, politicians spend more money that they or the country has, blame the other party or blame the working class, and raise taxes. They raise taxes on the lowest earners and give more tax breaks to the upper class. They say that is the only way to create more jobs, increase profit for the big bloated corporations and the few who own them and count jobs that pay the worker far less than can be lived on as proof of success. (The following item has been edited of appropriate content) Do these f...... ......... ........... ................ ........ . ........... .......... ... .............. .... ........ we .... ................ are!!?
Part 2(a)
Politicians give them self raises for not doing their job. Cut services such as fire fighting, education, the arts, lay off teachers, safety inspectors, you, me and Art. (Art is a window washer)
Part 2(b)
Sex. Boobs (That was for Mr Corman's rule)
Part 3
Now for the Truth.....
Everybody ends up dead.
Did I piss you off? I will
PS-Art can not be taught, Art is a moron.
Ah, the joys of politics. I get sick of the lies. It matters not the party, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Interdependent, Green, Socialist, Communist, blue state, red state, green state, police state. No, nor does the year mater all that much. They all lie. My opponent is bad, I am your economic savior! I have the plan. The plan! My plan is best! Blah, blah, blah. I have heard so many lies from all sources, all media, all regurgitating again and again the same load of crap. Same BS in every country, giant ego's wanting to be stroked. Tell you anything for a vote, pass a law if the payoff is good. The whole world is run by greedy psychopaths, all to lazy to work for a living. While telling the masses what is best for them, politicians spend more money that they or the country has, blame the other party or blame the working class, and raise taxes. They raise taxes on the lowest earners and give more tax breaks to the upper class. They say that is the only way to create more jobs, increase profit for the big bloated corporations and the few who own them and count jobs that pay the worker far less than can be lived on as proof of success. (The following item has been edited of appropriate content) Do these f...... ......... ........... ................ ........ . ........... .......... ... .............. .... ........ we .... ................ are!!?
Part 2(a)
Politicians give them self raises for not doing their job. Cut services such as fire fighting, education, the arts, lay off teachers, safety inspectors, you, me and Art. (Art is a window washer)
Part 2(b)
Sex. Boobs (That was for Mr Corman's rule)
Part 3
Now for the Truth.....
Everybody ends up dead.
Did I piss you off? I will
PS-Art can not be taught, Art is a moron.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Lies we were sold as children-
If you keep making that face it'll stay that way.
Santa Claus flies around the world, comes down the chimney and leaves presents.
You're the most important person in the world.
You're special.
Mommy loves you no matter what. (try breaking a vase and see how that goes)
This hurts me more than you.
Never talk to strangers.
You have to go to collage to get a good job.
Sport are important (playing them builds teamwork)
hard work and honesty will get you ahead in life.
Poor people are lazy, lazy people are poor.
Hypocrisies we learned-
Mom always made the same faces, but her face never stayed that way all the time.Santa doesn't have a jet-pack, we didn't have a chimney and my sister who, by the way was not good, got my pony.
All my friend's moms told them the were the most important. ?????
How can I be special when my name isn't 'K'?
Mom said she loves roses, but she throws them in the trash.
How did mom get hurt more by holding a wooden spoon?
If I can't talk to strangers how do I make friends?
My brother went to collage, but he doesn't have a job and I do.
Pro-athletes seem to be poor sports a lot.
I work hard and I'm honest and buried in debt.
I work hard and can't afford to take a vacation like those rich people who don't work do.
Why do they need a vacation anyway? To get away from the stress of not needing to work?
Truths I have learned-
Faces stretch.Sorry Virginia, there never was a Santa Claus, so no flying around the world. Very few working chimneys left for a pretend fat guy to go down, and my sister's pony is dead.
Nobody cares about you.
You're not even close to unique let alone special.
Your mother hate you for ruining her figure.
The spoon broke making contact with my butt.
We are all strangers, even to ourselves.
Diplomas are just really expensive paper that will get you a job that doesn't exist.
I was fired for throwing a ball in the office.
There is no team in the IT department. Geeks suck at sports, the capes get in the way. RESET! RESET!
Rich people hire poor people to do their work.
Poor people have to work so the rich people can be lazy and take vacations.
did i piss you off? I will.
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