
Friday, August 17, 2012

Hypocrisy and the moral right. Pro-life, self righteous, Christian moralists and their incessant crusade to save us from ourselves. The shared addiction of forcing their will upon the masses. A collective denial of themselves and the natural animal urges embedded within the human genome.

To prefix I should point out that this is not an attack on religion per se, but rather a pointing out of the false hoods of a powerful group of so called Christians that have been slowly high-jacking America for personal monetary gain through the use of terror tactics aimed at those who do not agree with there choice of life style. Yes choice, not by natural means embedded within the human make up, but a learned hatred, prejudice really against any and all who were taught differently from them, ie: people who think for themselves and question the validity of the claims of others without being told how to think. These are the people who continually claim Homosexuality to be a choice of, rather than a natural occurrence. They ignore science. They claim the world to be 3500 years old and yet use the science to try and prove that global warming happens all the time like it did millions of years ago. They want it both ways. Science is false for them unless they can use it to disprove all theories other than their own.        

How far are we as a whole going to allow this rampant assault on our right to think, choose and decide what is best for us as individuals? We, as a free people, have the inalienable right as put forth by the founders of this country, to the pursuit of happiness, life and liberty. No where in the Constitution of These United States does it state a "Christian based" country, government or anything other than a government that guarantees the freedom of religion. Those last three words are the important ones. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. It was not until after the Second World War that the terms 'IN GOD WE TRUST' and 'ONE NATION UNDER GOD' came in to play. A fearful response to the false threat of a Communist infiltration and or takeover of America. Propagated by the fear mongers of the day and kept alive for a more than handsome profit by the war machine America has become today. There is no profit in peace. What does this have to do with the Christian Right? Simply put, everything. The Christian Right is neither right (correct) nor are they really Christian. What was that bit in that book they love to quote so much? Oh, yes, killing is bad. A sin I believe it is referred to. I have looked and for the life of me I can not find any footnote about, well maybe killing is OK if those you kill are different from you, darker skin maybe, call this god thing by a different name or just kind of have a tiny bit different way of living. I just don't seem to find those footnotes. Now on to the why and the how.
Abortion: Bad. Why? Dead solders can't fight. Dead children don't grow up and feed the war machine.
No profit in that.
Homosexuality: Bad. Why? No children made to feed the war machine.
No profit in that.
Religion: Good. Why? Religion feeds on the fear of the unknown, it offers a simple answer to the question of why we are here. Is religion a real answer? No. Why? You must believe in the unbelievable.
You must believe: The single most asinine reason yet to be used as an answer. I must believe? Tell me, who came up with that and why did anyone in their right mind (pun fully intended) say OK? Can any of you find in this book of yours who it was who first said that and to whom? No. Why? It is not in there, or to put it another way, it was not so written.
The word of God: Really? Any witnesses to that? No. That has been clearly written, no man was allowed to see. Oh well, we will all just take the word of, what was his name again? Would you believe me if I said God came to me through one of his messengers as I slept(dreamed) and told me that He, God, did not exist? No. Why? Easy answer for you here, God does not talk to non believers, right? Wrong. That too is written in your book. The Lord made himself known. Until that time there were no believers so He does, and has sent word to non believers. Where is this hypocrisy I mentioned? You just read it. The hypocrisy of these believers is that they claim to be but are not Christian by deed. I have no problem with those who believe and live as the Bible says to live. The Koran says the same things, as does the Torah.

The Lies, hypocrisy, Truth of the Christian Right:
Abortion is bad, war kills are good. My way of thinking is the only way. Over population is good, not making babies is bad. Casting out excess populations as worthless shit is justifiable, feeding and caring for the lives you forced into being is bad and inconvenient, making false claims about the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is good when there is a profit to be made. God wants Christians to be rich and non your- kind -of- Christians and all others to be poor and serve you as long as you don't have to see or come in contact with them is God's master plan and must be good.

did I piss you off? I will.

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