
Monday, September 30, 2013

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the Tea Party and Green Eggs And Hamming it up.

What type of man makes a half assed attempt at stopping the implementation of a bill that has been signed by the President, passed the SCOTUS test and will be put into effect whether or not there is a Federal shutdown or not? A Canadian born dual US/Canadian citizen whose father waited 38 years after the fact to become an American citizen and finally renounced the Communist country of birth in 2005, just in time for his son to run for office in America. Let us start with a look at some fun factual tidbits. Ted Cruz' mother was born in America, that made her an American. Ted's Father was born in Cuba, that made him not an American. Papa came to Texas, went to school, teaching himself English as there were no Spanish speaking people in Texas in 1957 to assist him with the new English language. Worked washing dishes at $0.50 an hour when the average pay in that line of work was $1.00- $1.25 per hour. Managed to get his degree in engineering and promptly moved to Canada with his new American wife. Lived the American dream due to hard work and no handouts (not counting the political asylum granted to him that allowed his entry into these United States of America), while residing in Canada*as a Cuban national (Ted leaves the Cuban citizenship of Papa out). This is the story as told by Ted and Papa, really. What is there about this that just doesn't sound right? How about all of it? Am I missing something or can one live the American dream while not living in America or actually being an American?

Green Eggs and Ham and Hitler; that was well thought out. Ted would have known, had he taken the time to actually read the book, that the antagonist learns that green eggs and ham are good and not bad at all. the great irony of this is that the book is a childrens book, the ACA will impact children to a greater degree than any other group of Americans. 40 million Americans are without healthcare, more than 70% of them are children. That's doing your homework Teddy. Marching on to Adolf and his happy party o' Nazis. These Tea Party types do love parties. Nazi Germany. Hitler gained power by utilizing the same tactics the Tea Party is now using. Vilify a religious group, blame the opponents for everything, toss in false information non stop in the media and restrict education by means editing out all thought provoking ideas. Add in the militarization of the police forces, spy on the people and turn neighbor against neighbor and force the country into near bankruptcy all the while blaming the other party. If only we had a Sarah Palin to ride her moose in to save the day. Not to worry, she is standing right beside Ted. I feel so warm and safe knowing we shall be saved from this dreaded ACA by the freshman senator from Texas and the failure half-term Governor from Alaska. Wave Old Glory, wave free!

did I piss you off? I will.

*Asylum was granted prior to the first entry into America and before entry to Canada.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Our Republican controlled Congress has been waging war against the middle class for years now. The question is why? The answer is so simple anyone could see it, if that is, they were looking. We have been barraged with soundbites like entitlements, logic that is flawed and has been proven to be such by history and out and out lies from the far right. Tax breaks to the rich and big corporation, the trickle down theory, Big Ag, creates jobs. In reality less than half of the population works for the big corporations. Small mom and pop brick and mortars employ a large percentage of us. No big tax breaks for them, no reduced utility rates, nothing and yet they pay as much or more than the Walmarts of the world. A Lot of them offer benefits, you know those things the big boys claim are too expensive. Did you know that health insurance costs incurred by the employer are deductible? That costs are not going up for small business owners due to Obamacare.
We have been told by the right that privatization will save money. This a one of the biggest lies around. Privatization makes investors richer, costs the taxpayer more in the long run and costs good paying jobs. Privatization reduces oversight, sounds good right? Not really. This goes hand in hand with the vilifying of unions. Corporate run colleges make up 14% of the higher learning service sector yet account for 25% +/- of student loans and have the highest percentage of loan default. Now you know why congress was adamant about raising student loan rates and not forgiving default. $$$$$ in the pocket. What about unions? At their height unions represented just under one third of the workforce, yet they fought for a living wage and benefits for all workers. During this time of union activity production and loyalty rose. Loyalty to the company the workers and to the job. The middle class grew and spending power increased. The American economy grew, everyone was earning more and spending more. Students learned real information, not cherry picked for passing tests information. Students were taught by real teachers who cared, not pompous asses looking for a notch on their resume.
Take away the unions, block healthcare reform and stop immigration reform and you have one hell of a short term profit machine. The hell with the future of America, give me money, a lot of money, I said money, money that's what I want!

One last link to really piss you off.
I'll save the government labor stats for another time, interesting things they are when viewed without a spin.

did i piss you off? I will.