
Monday, November 3, 2014

Get Out And Vote

Midterm elections are known for low voter turnout and this is exactly what the republican party,  particularly those backed by the extreme right are counting on. They have gone out of the way to restrict voters right's with an extreme emphasis on the poor and minorities. The main reason for the implementation of voter ID is and was to bar as many urbanites as possible. Cities dwellers are the single largest group of liberal and progressive leaning citizens in America. They are also the least likely to possess a drivers license and have the largest amount of university students. Student ID's were disallowed simply because students are more likely to vote and they tend to lean towards liberal and progressive idealism.

Since urban communities have public transportation and the cost of parking can be equal to rent the less than affluent don't drive. Meaning they are less likely to possess the now required form of ID.

The elderly living on limited income and also are a target as are the poorer country residents.

These voter ID laws were the brain child of the Koch brothers and the anti-American pro-corporate entities under their control. They want not less government as they claim but corporate control of the government. Their agenda is to turn every aspect of our lives into a profit for themselves.

It is up to us, all of us to stop them. So get off your butts and #getoutthevote.

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Wonder Why That Was?

In a few weeks this nation will be heading to the poles for the mid-term elections. Or will it? So few Americans ever bother to vote unless it's a presidential election and then too many just sit home and bitch. What are you going to do? Sit and bitch, or go and vote? I'm voting.  I wonder if I will ever get my registration card in the mail. It's been a couple weeks of waiting now. Mail sure slows down in this red state this time of year. Slower than it does at Christmas. Wonder why that is? It took 13 days for the paperwork to get here after it was mailed. (I moved just across the street not long ago and am still in the same precinct so I'm good with the current one) Fortunately it was also downloaded, printed, filled out and mailed the 12 days before, (I was doing a little experiment), still it's been a few weeks and nothing. Should I mention the form took 13 days to come? Arrived the day after the deadline to submit. Wonder why that was.....

There is voter fraud going on here it's just not the kind Fox News reports on.

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Friday, August 15, 2014

What Do You Think About How Ferguson Has Been Handled?

You no doubt have been following the events in Ferguson Missouri as we all have been. What do you think about this? I want to know what you are really thinking about it. I'm not asking you for a link to a news story or someone's blog post. I'm asking you what you as a person think. Do you think we  need police forces armed with military weapons? Do you think 12 year old's pose a threat to your security and should be arrested? Was it intentionally setup so that there was no clear person in charge of the varying police agencies to be held accountable for acts against the public? What do you feel about the Missouri's Governor Jay Nixon  Image result for missouri governor and his lack of response for days. Should he be held accountable? Should he be exonerated or impeached? Tear gas is listed as a nerve agent and as such has been banned for use in warfare, a ban signed by the United States of America. Do you feel it should be used by police forces on American civilians? It has been known to cause permanent damage, disabilities including blindness and death in adults and children. Infants are particularly susceptible to it. Should it ever be used in and around apartments and houses? What do you think about the reporters and other media personnel being arrested?

What do YOU think?.

Thank you.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Bringing The Dream Back To The People

 What in this cycle of midterm elections is different that all other election cycles? Nothing. Not one new strategy or angle that I've noticed. Fund raising meet the candidate dinners for way too much money, donate now emails, multiple times a day and the awful slogans. "Bohner's gonna be mad!' Really? Who pays for this crap? Who came up with this garbage? Have you, any of you, noticed ads for marketers stating 'Looking for people who think outside the box'? Followed by the list of requirements to be considered: Masters degree in marketing, 5 yrs minimum experience in related industry. This is the problem. If all possible candidates have studied the same strategies and have spent 5 or more years implementing them how could they possibly think 'outside' any box? They are in the box! They might even be the box. Would it not make more sense to look outside for people who have not been in this so called box? They used to call that looking for new eyes.

So now that you've raised some money how do you utilize it effectively? Who are you trying to reach and how do you get your message out to them? First use social media and use it the right way. Don't just show how wonderful you and your group of college students are, bring in the unemployed worker, the under employed, the laid off factory workers. Show the real people and not the beautiful ones. Post pictures of the poor, post their words not sound bites. Second, get out and engage your target demographic. Go out and talk to them, ask them what they need, what they want, listen to them and take notes. Record them, write down their answers. Show them you really care and make sure you do really care about them and prove it. Make them the stars of your social media. Help them get voter ID, make sure they can get to the poles to vote. Give them hope one at a time. Remember they are more, so much more than just a vote, they are living feeling, loving people looking for that dream we told them about as children. Give them back their dreams.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Humanism and Devil Worship: Is the Humanist Satan's Follower?

Not long ago my now ex found Jesus for the third time in her short 3+ decades of life. I had come to realize that is what she does just before cheating on her current lover. And she did. During this time of infidelity she came from a so called woman's bible study group (they never used bibles in this said group) and told me I was an Atheist and therefore a Devil worshiper. This lends itself to the question of how these women might know my beliefs. Either she, the ex, had told them or this grand bastion of "Christianity" G*tew*y church (*=a) did what they brag about and did a complete background check on the ex and learned she lived with me a "non-believer".

Can I a humanist, quasi-atheist, worship the devil? Well, no. I do not believe in either a god or the counter part. Here is what I believe: god and the devil are man made personifications of the inherent good and bad in all men. My Native American relatives share a common tale about a child who dreams about two wolves. One is white and represents the good in us and the other is black representing the bad. Whichever one you feed is the one that grows strong and takes over. Same story of good and evil, just told differently. The outcome is the same. All people struggle with this no matter their religious beliefs, all people. Do I care if you believe in god? F*ck no. Do I care if you are a good person or a bad one? Yes. To give a little insight to the beliefs and differences within the Agnostic/Atheist/Humanist category see the links below. Was my ex a good person or a bad one? Prior to her rejoining the "church" she was mostly good. She did struggle with her past and has great difficulty letting go of it, but she had been making better than expected progress until this "church" got a hold of her. She has now turned into the person she had asked me to never let her become again, vain, self righteous and in self denial. This does not mean I am anti-religion or anti-Christian. I am however anti-false Christian. The world seems to be overflowing with them these days.
Someone's been feeding the wrong wolf.

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Corporate Religion: How Wrong For Chistianity is This?

Corporate religion is that what it is now? Corporations are houses of worship? This ruling is in direct conflict of the Bill Of Rights.
 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or      prohibiting the free exercise there of;
Notice the punctuation mark?
What we find is this is a complete statement, not a passive thought.
So are these SCOTUS judges grossly lacking in grammar skills? By their ruling on the Hobby Lobby case they in effect have passed a law establishing a religion.
This is the slippery slope Judge Ginsburg was referring to in her dissent. This ruling was made without regard to the beliefs of others; those employed by the corporation. Moreover, this ruling has the potential to greatly damage the reputation of Christianity as a whole. 
An interesting look at this by Sally Kohn from The Daily Beast (excerpt below the link)-
Richard Cizik of the National Association of Evangelicals: “When anyone can use religion to claim an exemption on anything, religion loses meaning. Rather than a personal belief embedded in our souls, faith would become a set of arbitrary rules any corporation could choose from to skirt the law.”
Moreover, Cizik warns, this “puts government in charge of deciding what is or isn’t religion.” That doesn’t sound very free, does it?
If I were the religious faithful, I would be fairly annoyed at 90 percent of corporate America chomping at the bit to use my deeply held values as an excuse for their own misdeeds. Also, while the Bible does not take a firm position on abortion or when life begins, Jesus is pretty clear on one point: “You cannot serve both God and money” (Luke 16:13 and Matthew 6:24).
Scroll down in the bible study tools for an overview of the passages, I find the first one rather interesting. It has to do with the 'hypocrisy and outward' show in religious duties; not making a show of it. A little farther down in verses 19-24 we find the reference to what I have alluded to in another post about the Conservative Evangelical movement.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Conservative Evangelic Church, Fascism and Why you should care.

I will now attempt to clarify the actual purpose of the Conservative Evangelic Church. God and Jesus have nothing to do with it. It is about control, crowd control if you will, one big multi layered con job. It is rooted not in Christianity as they claim, but in Fascism.Ur-Fascism.
I will borrow from a book, near and dear to my heart, by Chris Hedges,'The Christian Right And The War On America', Free Press, Simon & Schuster, copyright 2006 Chris Hedges -

"Ur-Fascism-is based upon a selective populism, a qualitative populism, one might say. In a democracy, the citizens have individual rights, but the citizens in the entirety have a political impact only from a quantitative view- one follows the decisions of the majority. For Ur-Fascism, however, individuals as individuals have no rights, and the People is conceived as a quality, a monolithic entity expressing the Common Will. Since no large quantity of human beings can have a common will, the Leader pretends to be their interpreter. having lost their power of delegation, citizens do not act; they are only called on to play the role of the People. Thus the people is only a theatrical fiction. There is in our future a TV or internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.
   Because of it's qualitative populism, Ur-Fascism must be against "rotten" parliamentary governments. Whenever a politician casts doubt on the legitimacy of a parliament because it no longer represents the Voice of the People, we can smell Ur-Fascism."
This is what these Mega Churches were created for. They don't actually use the bible, instead the 'preacher' tells the people what is meant by the words held within.One of the most effective ways to grab control (con) is to tell them what they want to hear, and assure the people that that is the way, the only way. They only way to salvation! They twist the bible to fit their needs. My favorite is the tithing. You must tithe 10% of your earnings (or more) it's not your money it's God's money! Follow me and do as I tell you and your life will get better, better then you ever dreamed! God wants his followers to be wealthy! Etc. What they are doing is enticing you to buy your way into Heaven.I have heard the raping of the bible they use to entice (tempt) the congregations. Try this one-"for where your treasures lay so shall your heart." TITHE! Tithe to the church and your heart will be in the church. Problem here is the actual verses go..."gather not your treasures upon the earth where they can rot and rust and mold, and be stolen by man, but gather your treasures in heaven, for where your treasure lay so shall your heart." 
See the difference? It's what I call a massive misinterpretation. It should be pointed out that Jesus told his followers not to give to the Temples, but give directly to the poor, hungry and those in need. He also told them to open their homes and invite them in, in other words Jesus was telling his followers NOT TO TITHE. Go and read the New Testament, I f'ing dare you, it's in there. Add to that these preachers may not tell their congregations how to vote, but they will tell them they voted wrong. Do you know why they put on such big shows every Sunday? Herd mentality. Remember the last big concert you attended? How long did the 'Wow' from that last? About a week, right? See you all next Sunday......

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Beauty of Rewriting the Bible and What Mega Churches are All About (in one short sweet true tale)

This topic hits close to home and is the reason I have not posted in awhile. I recently went through a very painful breakup that was brought on by religion, or to be specific, a false church. I am a non-believer, or what you might call a reformed believer. I was raised in the Anglican/Episcopal church, went to a private (US) school that was based on such, yet had an enormous tolerance for all systems of belief and non-belief. I studied the Bible and New Testament in English and Latin as both a religious work and as a work of literature. I have read those books in excess of fifty times. English translations, old and new English and Latin. Each translation is different than it's predecessor. Each revision has been changed and reflects the opinion of the religious and or political power* in control at the date of translation or revision. In other words the meaning is changed to suit the need of those in charge, subtle but changes non the less. During my life as a believer I started to notice thing going on around me that appeared just a little out of kilter. I asked questions and got the standard "It's always been that way" response. I looked deeper and found it had not always been that way. The point here is that these people had been conditioned to believe that it had always been that way. Now let's look at the Mega Churches sprouting up like the weeds they are around the globe. For starters they want your money, and truthfully they want that more than your salvation. Why a Mega Church? What's wrong with the quaint small church? Have you ever gone to a concert by a band you didn't really like? I'm talking big venue concert. I have and after I was awe struck, I suddenly liked that band. It only lasted five to six days, but for those days I thought about how wrong I was to not like that band before, or was I? Mega churches use that big grandiose venue to suck you in to con you out of your money and take your soul. (I use the word soul for the believers, I use the word life for the rest of you). And that is what they did to my fiance. They do complete background check on all members and their families, with the claim you have to be careful and make sure these people in your life are who they say they are and not criminals. After all god doesn't like those who have sinned in his house, right? They condition you to believe they are protecting you from evil. They conditioned my ex into thinking that I, as an atheist worship the devil. She knew better than that. She is now back to the old, what she used to call Evil (insert her name) that was shallow and all about money. That was the girl no one liked that became an alcoholic, drug using stripper. I miss the girl  I knew, the 4 times a week AA meeting emotionally healing moody hard to deal with "I don't know why you stay with me, hold me" girl. But they did that to save her and now she has Jesus in her life so it's good, right? Nothing like a rewrite of the word of god to save your soul from evil.

*the Pope or king depending  on the era.

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Monday, May 5, 2014

One Great Republican Idea?

Flat tax Kansas looses  45% of it's tax base. A zero increase in jobs. Companies do not flock into the state. Services will now have to be cut, education, health and emergency services. Who does the governor blame? President Obama and the ACA.  I am flabbergasted! Could have sworn he'd blame Benghozi. 

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Has the Tea Party Become 'wet limp sacks of tea?'

Have you been able to follow the thought pattern of the republican congress/senators and their pundits? It boggles the mind, their complete and utter lack of historical and political knowledge. After the State of the Union Address the President and his agenda were referred as akin to Nazi Germany, a Monarchy (King Obama) and socialism. Do make up your minds oh wet limp sacks of tea! Nazi's were and are, Fascists. Kings belong to a group known as Imperialists and Socialists are anti both of those. Fascists love complete control, like dictating what form of religion is to be practised, birthing and birth control, what is and is not allowed to be taught. Fascists hate freedom of choice. Imperialists think they are special chosen by a god people destined to rule the world.(insert pic. of T. Cruz, D. Trump.) Fascists like very much to use Imperialists as a means to their end. Socialists are quite different than these. Socialists believe that no one's labor is more valuable than anyone elses. Fascism and Imperialism are forms of capitalism, however they are quite different from democratic capitalism*. With the F. & I. forms the top percentile(1%) reap the full benefit from the labor of the lower class. Within the democratic form of capitalism the top keeps more but not necessarily the lion's share of profit, and reinvests more back into the company than they themselves keep (as opposed to sitting on capital). This is a long term conservative investment for the future. This is not only an intelligent, but practical way of structuring a business for long term viability.

Now back to the preamble; why are these congressmen and congresswomen so ill informed about political history that they make such imbecilic statements? Simply put they have been purchased equally as much for their egos, charisma and looks as for their naivety. They haven't figured that out yet, but they will after they realise the money train no longer needs them. Of course by then they themselves will have become a part of the disposable population that they had been vilifying, you know the lazy unemployed moochers.

*for the purpose of this article democratic capitalism refers to a model in which both the owner and workforce have a voice in the day-to-day operations.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Quantum Computers, the NSA and the Insanely Paranoid (who's in your wallet?)

Who won the big game today? How much snow has fallen on NYC? Boston? You probably know the answers to those question. ACA, unemployment insurance, cute little puppy pictures and videos on YouTube, go on you've seen and heard all about that. Am I right? What is the most effective way to pass off sleight of hand as magic? Distract your audience and make them look where you don't want them looking. With that in mind, how many Americans know about the millions of tax money being spent to spy on not just supposed terror suspects, but friends of America (assuming those still exist), you, me, your dear old mother and father, everyone except the people who most should be being watched? 2/3 of Americans live within one hundred miles of a border and as such can be stopped, searched and detained without probable cause other than an agent of Homeland Security thinks they may be suspicious. This does or soon will include your home and/or business and personal effects. Now the NSA is building s quantum computer that they aim to use to break all encryption. Soon the question will change from what's in your wallet to who's in your wallet.  
NSA building a ‘quantum computer’ capable of breaking all forms of encryption — RT USA

How many American citizens could be fed, clothed and housed with this gross waste of money? Somehow I doubt the NSA has the intelligentsia needed to run such a  computer.  Why do we allow these insanely paranoid people unbridled power? This will not end well.