You no doubt have been following the events in Ferguson Missouri as we all have been. What do you think about this? I want to know what you are really thinking about it. I'm not asking you for a link to a news story or someone's blog post. I'm asking you what you as a person think. Do you think we need police forces armed with military weapons? Do you think 12 year old's pose a threat to your security and should be arrested? Was it intentionally setup so that there was no clear person in charge of the varying police agencies to be held accountable for acts against the public? What do you feel about the Missouri's Governor Jay Nixon

and his lack of response for days. Should he be held accountable? Should he be exonerated or impeached? Tear gas is listed as a nerve agent and as such has been banned for use in warfare, a ban signed by the United States of America. Do you feel it should be used by police forces on American civilians? It has been known to cause permanent damage, disabilities including blindness and death in adults and children. Infants are particularly susceptible to it. Should it ever be used in and around apartments and houses? What do you think about the reporters and other media personnel being arrested?
What do
YOU think?.
Thank you.
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