
Thursday, October 11, 2012

the end is nearing

Nearing the Presidential Election the polls have started to settle down, the pancic from the far right has grown into the nonsensical. The Republican candidate has yet again changed position on a few hotbed topics. Most notably Planned Parenthood. A few short days ago Mr. Romney was stating he was going to end all funding to Planned Parenthood because they perform abortions. They do. Not many and they offer women other alternatives. Abortions make up about 2% of their yearly budget. Now wait, that's not all he has objected to. They offer condoms. Those horrible latex items that help stop the spread of STD's, like, oh say AIDS. Now as he slips in the polls he is what, pro choice? I am not for or against abortion, but I can't get pregnant. I'm a man. I could be raped, as traumatic as that would be, I still can't get pregnant. My life will not be on the line due to complications, I will not ever go through the hell of giving birth to a child so greatly deformed or sick that it can not live without medical intervention and care for as long as the child is forced to live. Yes I said forced, when a life is kept by artificial means, one that would never have survived outside of the womb, that is life by force plain and simple. I consider that a crime against the child. The all true hypocrisy of  these pro life coalitionists is they want to dictate their beliefs on the world without taking responsibility for the lives they claim to be saving. How many orphaned children have the Romneys adopted? Surely they can afford to, they are billionaires. Hell that great family loving man could feed an African nation for a year and still be rich. I for one am surprised that he hasn't jumped at the chance, he's done everything else in his attempt to look like he cares about the under classes. I have never been so morally corrupt as to think that I, a man, have the right to tell a woman, or any human, what they are allowed to do with their bodies.

did I piss you off? I will.

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