Having gone over tape after tape of the last Presidential debate, I am flabbergasted by the number of people still supporting Mitt Romney. I have been having an unbelievably hard time believing anything word this man utters. Does he not know we have sound and video recordings of the debates, interviews and stump stops he has been on? Does Mitt not know about published transcripts? Bank and investment transparencies (you can't hide it all you know)? We all know he has hidden assets, IRS tax returns and the like, but is he so arrogant as to think he is just so much smarter than every other living human that he must be believed at all times? I think he does. Case in point: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/18/mitt-romney-auto-bailout-profit_n_1976651.html
Romney clearly claims to have been against the GM bailout yet he and his wife made $15.3 million from it. You might also pay close attention to how Sensata Technologies (heavily invested in by Bain) has shuttered it's Illinois factory and shipped jobs out of the US economic picture into China. This from the man with the plan to create jobs here in America. Just how is that? By outsourcing US jobs to China. Getting back to the GM bailout, Mitt firt states he was against it, using it as a bad thing President Obama did, then he back peddles saying President Obama did just what he, Mitt, was going to do. Really? So please Mr. Romney, do tell us which one was it? Did the President do the right thing that you wanted to do, or did President Obama do the wrong thing that you wanted to do? The world wants to know Mr. Romney. Pick something, anything and stay with it. Kind of like you did with your dog on the roof thing, oh sorry, he liked the fresh air from inside the airtight doggy carrier. BTW I will never let that go, I have respect for dogs.
did I piss you off? I will
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