
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mitt Romney, Monsanto and you.Mitt Romney, Monsanto and you?

Once upon a time in a land far away.....there lived a handsome Prince. He was kind and sweet and loved his subjects.

Never happened, never will. This time around more propaganda is smeared across the country than at any time I can think of. One of my favorites is corporations are people too. Why would anyone want that to become law? Easy really, someone has their hand in a corporate pocket. Give the corporation the same privacy rights as a person and they can buy votes for whatever they want to pass into law.
Mitt Romney it appears is owned by Monsanto. Monsanto is a chemical company that has been geneticly modifying plant seeds for more years than I have been alive, think wheat. They gave us Roundup weed control, tried to sell it as safe and it's not. They gave us DDT and almost wiped out many species in the 1960s. They gave us Agent Orange. They have sued organic farms and won, despite the lack of their GMO seeds being used. How, you might ask? A bee pollinated a modified plant then flew over to an organic farm and did what bees do, thereby infecting the organic plant with test tube genes. The courts ruled in Monsanto's favor because they hold a patent on the modified gene. Really. Without interference from the Executive branches of government they will effectively own the entire planets food supply. Now how does Mr. Romney fit in to this? Monsanto was and most likely is one of his major sources of money. They were one of his first clients back when the Mitt and Bain were young dumb and greedy. He has since grow older.

The question going into this election should be not what has one candidate or the other done for the country,but rather, what are they going to do to America and the American people. Mitt has already stated that corporations are people just like you and me. Keeping that in mind try to imagine which group of people he will be working for. Are we even on his mind, or just the companies that can and will make him richer?

(for more insight start with Wikipedia, Mitt Romney, Monsanto...)

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