
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Greed, the new God and the Emergent Church.

Recently the church of Rome elected a new Pope. I am not Catholic, but I do follow the moves and contours of the major religions. This new Pope to the horror a certain group, many of whom I might add are not Catholic, has stated gold (money) has become the new idol worshiped by many. He has in essence condemned those who put profit above the well being of people. I agree with him on this.

I would like to share a little tidbit on this from the leader of one of the fastest growing 'churches' in America.
If you do not happen to know or have a King James Bible, Mathew 6:19 says:

 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal: 20: But lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal. 21: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Bobby goes on to mention Luke 6:38
"For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you"

He has purposely left out a little bit to suit his pursuit of your money. The actual text is as follows:

Luke 6:36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Is it just me that cannot find a reference to giving your money to God, a church or preacher in any of this? To me this sound one hell of a lot like giving love, forgiveness and compassion, not money. Oh well, not to despair, Robert Morris gives a money back guarantee of God's money, if, and he does mean when, you give him (Robert Morris) the money for God's 'tithing'. " I will give you your money back", but it's God's money right? So doesn't that mean you, Robert Morris would have to steal it like a thief from God first? (see Mathew 6:19 above)      
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How obsessed with money is this so called 'man of God'?

About the author: I was raised in the Anglican church (Episcopal in America), was confirmed after taking catechism classes. Yes, the High Episcopal church used to ask us to take catechism. I have read the Bible, King James and earlier in English and Latin 50+ times cover to cover as both a religious book and as literature, as well as the Torah and Koran. Until recently I was employed by the church in a semi-official capacity. I am atheistic due to the complete stupidity of the blind faith doctrine and utter lack of real evidence to the contrary.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the Tea Party and Green Eggs And Hamming it up.

What type of man makes a half assed attempt at stopping the implementation of a bill that has been signed by the President, passed the SCOTUS test and will be put into effect whether or not there is a Federal shutdown or not? A Canadian born dual US/Canadian citizen whose father waited 38 years after the fact to become an American citizen and finally renounced the Communist country of birth in 2005, just in time for his son to run for office in America. Let us start with a look at some fun factual tidbits. Ted Cruz' mother was born in America, that made her an American. Ted's Father was born in Cuba, that made him not an American. Papa came to Texas, went to school, teaching himself English as there were no Spanish speaking people in Texas in 1957 to assist him with the new English language. Worked washing dishes at $0.50 an hour when the average pay in that line of work was $1.00- $1.25 per hour. Managed to get his degree in engineering and promptly moved to Canada with his new American wife. Lived the American dream due to hard work and no handouts (not counting the political asylum granted to him that allowed his entry into these United States of America), while residing in Canada*as a Cuban national (Ted leaves the Cuban citizenship of Papa out). This is the story as told by Ted and Papa, really. What is there about this that just doesn't sound right? How about all of it? Am I missing something or can one live the American dream while not living in America or actually being an American?

Green Eggs and Ham and Hitler; that was well thought out. Ted would have known, had he taken the time to actually read the book, that the antagonist learns that green eggs and ham are good and not bad at all. the great irony of this is that the book is a childrens book, the ACA will impact children to a greater degree than any other group of Americans. 40 million Americans are without healthcare, more than 70% of them are children. That's doing your homework Teddy. Marching on to Adolf and his happy party o' Nazis. These Tea Party types do love parties. Nazi Germany. Hitler gained power by utilizing the same tactics the Tea Party is now using. Vilify a religious group, blame the opponents for everything, toss in false information non stop in the media and restrict education by means editing out all thought provoking ideas. Add in the militarization of the police forces, spy on the people and turn neighbor against neighbor and force the country into near bankruptcy all the while blaming the other party. If only we had a Sarah Palin to ride her moose in to save the day. Not to worry, she is standing right beside Ted. I feel so warm and safe knowing we shall be saved from this dreaded ACA by the freshman senator from Texas and the failure half-term Governor from Alaska. Wave Old Glory, wave free!

did I piss you off? I will.

*Asylum was granted prior to the first entry into America and before entry to Canada.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Our Republican controlled Congress has been waging war against the middle class for years now. The question is why? The answer is so simple anyone could see it, if that is, they were looking. We have been barraged with soundbites like entitlements, logic that is flawed and has been proven to be such by history and out and out lies from the far right. Tax breaks to the rich and big corporation, the trickle down theory, Big Ag, creates jobs. In reality less than half of the population works for the big corporations. Small mom and pop brick and mortars employ a large percentage of us. No big tax breaks for them, no reduced utility rates, nothing and yet they pay as much or more than the Walmarts of the world. A Lot of them offer benefits, you know those things the big boys claim are too expensive. Did you know that health insurance costs incurred by the employer are deductible? That costs are not going up for small business owners due to Obamacare.
We have been told by the right that privatization will save money. This a one of the biggest lies around. Privatization makes investors richer, costs the taxpayer more in the long run and costs good paying jobs. Privatization reduces oversight, sounds good right? Not really. This goes hand in hand with the vilifying of unions. Corporate run colleges make up 14% of the higher learning service sector yet account for 25% +/- of student loans and have the highest percentage of loan default. Now you know why congress was adamant about raising student loan rates and not forgiving default. $$$$$ in the pocket. What about unions? At their height unions represented just under one third of the workforce, yet they fought for a living wage and benefits for all workers. During this time of union activity production and loyalty rose. Loyalty to the company the workers and to the job. The middle class grew and spending power increased. The American economy grew, everyone was earning more and spending more. Students learned real information, not cherry picked for passing tests information. Students were taught by real teachers who cared, not pompous asses looking for a notch on their resume.
Take away the unions, block healthcare reform and stop immigration reform and you have one hell of a short term profit machine. The hell with the future of America, give me money, a lot of money, I said money, money that's what I want!

One last link to really piss you off.
I'll save the government labor stats for another time, interesting things they are when viewed without a spin.

did i piss you off? I will.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Birth Certificates, Presidential Dreams and The Convenience of Republican Memories.

In the not so distant past in a land of make believe, far from the realities of reason, there lived a loud and uninformed group of baboons. getting down to the reality of this, the distant past is still present, the baboons call themselves the Tea Party and their reality is twice removed from a bad Hollywood movie. Remember the birther nonsense over President Obama's certificate? I seems that the Tea Party has. They have forgotten the points they made about President Obama's father, the short and long form certificate and the Presidents qualification to be President. Rumor has it that one of the front runners for the Republican nod to bid on the presidency is the Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. Mother born in Delaware, father born in Cuba. Ted born in Canada. Mr. Cruz, the senior, became a citizen of Canada; when I have been unable to confirm, some time within the eight years he and moma lived up north. Ted was born four years after the Canadian relocation. As I pointed out I don't know if Papa was still a Cuban or a new Canadian, but either way he was not an US citizen.
Ted Cruz is well known for pointing to his father's working as a dishwasher for $0.50/hr as a University student, however in 1957 the national expected wage/AKA minimum per hour in that field was $1.00. (Wiki had this info but it has been edited out)
To restate what was in The Little Red Blog, why did Papa Cruz wait 48 years to take the oath of citizenship? Oh, wait, that was 2005 just prior to Ted getting into politics now wasn't that convenient?  

Did I piss you off? I will.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The NSA, The Patriot Act, Traffic Cameras and What They Have in Common With Your Safety or The Lack Thereof.

Are you old enough to remember the time when traffic cameras did not exist? How they were sold to the public as a necessary and cheap way to keep our intersections safe? How about those days long ago when cops walked the sidewalk and knew you by name? Cops were put in cars to protect us more efficiently, cameras at the intersections were going to stop those evil red light runners and the Patriot Act and NSA were going to save us from the terror of the middle east. Cops in cars are friend to no one in the neighborhood, they don't know who lives and works there, traffic cameras generate nothing other than revenue and are administered by outside private for profit companies. The NSA has near total free reign to do as it likes which apparently was not to know about an imminent attack on the Boston Marathon, which was solved by the video from convenience stores, parking garages and a few thousand cell phone camera wielding spectators. So how do you justify this gross invasion of privacy by the government both here and abroad? Interestingly they have been mining all this info for years and claim, I use that sarcastically as there is no proof to this claim, to have foiled several plots. Make you wonder just how little you may know about what Aunt Martha was really doing on that cruise to the Caribbean.

For the record, they most effective way to take away freedoms is to use the excuse that you will be safer from the bad guys if you give up just a little. You'll never notice when they take more and more and....... of course first you need a bad guy, that's where the CIA came in. Remember they trained Bin Laden.

 did I piss you off? I will

Thursday, June 6, 2013

In Defence of The Second Amendment: Attacking the Right from the Left of Center by clarifying the Right.

Long title, short posting tonight.
The Right to bear arms, is clearly stated in and by the Second Amendment however the interpretation being used by the Rightwing is false and grossly misleading. The Second does grant the right to bear arms but not as you may have been led to believe. Attached is the actual wording as written by the Authors of the said Amendments courtesy of the Government of The United States of America and available to all @ One might chose to read in entirety the whole transcript; you may find some other interesting and useful information held within. Bill of Rights Transcript Text

did I piss you off? I will.

Friday, May 17, 2013

How To Patent The Population Into Compliance: The Buying Of The Worlds Food Supply One GMO At A Time

Patents are for the protection of the application, manufacture and usage of inventions.
The key word here is invention. Have companies actually invented a seed or, have they only modified a genetic part that would have occurred naturally through the evolutionary process? Within the last decade or two  viruses and bacteria have evolved resistance via overexposure to once powerful medications due to their use as both a disease preventative and their growth inducing properties in livestock. Cliff Swallows nesting in southwest Nebraska living near high traffic areas have evolved shorter wingspans allowing them to better dodge cars and trains.
Cliff Swallows adapting to life on the road, study shows | Audubon Magazine Blog
A steamhammer(example used in patent definition) is entirely man made. Seeds are not. There is no dispute that companies such as Monsanto have genetically modified seeds, but have they actually invented or improved on an existing invention? No, seeds are a product of nature and as such modify naturally. Weeds are already RoundUp Ready without man's intervention. Monsanto genetics had nothing to do with that, well yes they did, farmers are spraying more RoundUp than ever before. Maybe Monsanto will sue the weeds in the fields too. Through the use of patent law and a Subprime Court (that is not a typo), this chemical company is actively bullying and buying control of the food supply and reaping massive profits while doing it.
One more thing to get you going- contrary to the Big Ag machines claims they are suing farmers left and right. Monsanto Still Suing Nelsons, Other Growers   I like the part about Monsanto reps forging the Nelson's signature on a legal document after the fact.

did I piss you off? I will

Friday, May 3, 2013

Good for The Corporation VS For The Good of The People: why privatization fails on every level-part one

part 2 below.

Prisons are being privatized, education has been privatized and our roads are well on their way to corporate control. Privatization has been touted as a cost saving way of keeping government from growing larger and taxing us to death. Look at the reality of privatization. Prisons, education and roads for the profit of those who control them. We the People still pay for them, it's just not called taxes but fees. With prisons run as a profit making entity the motivation to release prisoners who have completed the time handed down to them by the courts greatly diminishes. An empty bed makes no profit for the shareholders. Try thinking of it this way, remember the Eagles song "Hotel California"? 'You can checkout anytime you want, but you can never leave'. This is already happening in be continued.

did I piss you off? I will.

Part 2.

As our country is privatized we, the citizens, lose our right to vote on what and how our country is run and by whom. A board of directors and stockholders will have the only say as to what and how things are done. This is not what this country was founded on. This is not the American way nor is this democracy. Our politicians are slowly becoming nothing more than corporate pawns, unaware that once their usefulness has been exhausted they too will be disposable. Science has been all but removed from the classroom, our children are now being taught that dinosaurs lived and walked with Moses and Jesus. If that were so then are the Saints now crude oil? (I know that pissed you off) There is no room for science in religion. Religions run on a premise of blind faith, not facts. Children are still being taught that until the white man came to America the natives had no religion and no idea how to grow crops. Funny that, as the indigenous peoples not only taught the starving pilgrims what to grow but how to grow it. There was and still is a belief system, religion if you prefer, among the indigenous population that all people were connected not just with their group but with all living things. Ignorance is part of the problem. Education, real education is the solution. The duty of the educator is to educate with known facts not blind faith fact less overtly edited  translations of translated books written by people who still thought the earth was flat and hallucinated talking bushes on fire in the desert.

The great hypocrisy in this is the organizations pushing the hardest for privatization of all things government and the denial of scientific findings, and are pushing for a so called Christian based school system are backed by or were founded by people who are not even Christian. You will still have your prayers to give you solace as you are forced to toil until you die. It won't help any more than wishing on a star but, you will still have that.

did I piss you off? I will.  


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Cheney Bush and the need to trim for Passover

 First I need to explain about my experiences on a particular day in September in the year 2001. It warm, warmer than the few days prior, the sun shone in the bluest sky I had seen in more than a week. Almost cloudless. Birds chirped and darted over Long Island. The day before I had trained out of downtown Manhattan after lunch with my father. He worked for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, engineering department, 72nd floor Number One World Trade Center. I was going to spend the week at his house. Laying in bed looking at the sky through the tree tops I had been debating how long I could put off getting up to finish writing my screen play, Mangos. Then the phone rang. Cut to the end of the trip, I got to the Brooklyn Bridge with jeans on, barefoot, had my boots with me, still had the house phone and for some reason the remote for the TV. I saw the towers fall, I heard the screams, I tried to get in. I knew some of those first firefighters who knowingly climbed up those stairs to certain death. I was helpless. I went back to the house and waited for the phone to ring. You see, after the first attack the Port Authority knew that was probably a test of the tower's integrity, so they put into place a system of safe houses close to the city but not too close, that people might get to and the main office would call for updates on their people. My fathers house was one of them. They called, I talked to them. They knew who I was. However the first person to call was an engineer, not with the Port Authority, but a young man from the Middle East that my father had sponsored so he could come to America and study engineering. A poor boy with a brilliant mind. A Muslim, and he was scared to death. Not for himself but scared for my father and everybody in the Trade Center. He was the only person I talked to that day that was crying. Citizens from seventeen countries were killed that day, not just Americans. Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics and probably a few Satanists. Now for the record, I feel the same towards radical Muslims as I do about the Zionist and the Christian Right. They are all terrorists without exception, and they are all wrong and sick in the head.

The attached link should be read in full by all peoples in all countries, but that is just my opinion.

Did I piss you off? I told you I would.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Greed and the Real Truth behind it (part 2)

Since the middle of the last century a hand full of companies have pursued, through their patented chemical processes, ways to increase their wealth. Despite new technologies and advancements  non renewable energy sources are not only still being pursued, but are being protected by the government via massive tax breaks and funding. Petroleum is and always has been a mass of goo left over from a life form that has been extinct for longer than humans have been on this earth. There are no more sources available for the manufacture of dinosaur goo. Wind and sun we have in abundance, it does not need to be manufactured or bought. This stuff is free. My favorite argument against wind and solar power is about birds and bats. Suddenly the same people who are for spewing massive amounts of toxic chemicals into the water, soil and air are worried about a few hundred birds and bats. Bats can find a tiny insect flying around but not a windmill? I call them windmills because I grew up back when every farm had at least one windmill used to draw water up from the well. Never found any dead birds or bats around them. If these companies spent 10% of the time and money they invest in stopping progress in truly renewable sources of energy into the research and development of them, they would actually increase profits faster. That, however is to them, the dirty sock on the floor. Eventually the wind will stop blowing and the sun will cease to shine, but until then, quit acting like a stupid ten year old and do what has to be done. Pick up the sock before it's too late to go out and play.     

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Greed and the Real Truth behind it.

Greed has an inherent flaw. Greed breeds ignorance. As people's greed grows so does their inability to properly process information as it relates to their ultimate goal of obtaining absolute wealth and power. The more one wants the less what you have already obtained is worth. The mind focuses not on the gold in your pocket but on the gold not in your hand. Children are a perfect example of this. A child will go to most any length to not do what must be done in order to play. This includes spending ten times the amount of time it would take to pick up a sock in order to not pick it up because they think that sock stands between them and playing. Children lie in order to play without picking up the sock. They will even take the time to hide the sock in an attempt to not pick it up. The child is greedy for play time, picking up socks is all that separates them from untold fun. I've seen this, I see it every day, and by the time the sock is picked up it is too late to play. All the other kids went home. This however will not stop the child from wanting to play. In their mind all they need to do is go get the other kids and they will want to play. This is the same type of logic greedy adults use. Yes, there are always others who will envy the child who now has time to play, but for the rest of us, so what. Graveyards are full of the greedy remains of the once rich and powerful, they also are full of the 'so what' dead people. The greedy become so ignorant of the one and only life they have that they waste it taking all they can get hold of.

Part two...coming soon.

Did I piss you off? I will.


Monday, February 11, 2013

The Aftermath of Blizzard 2013 and the Need For Drones for Police

The hazards of being a cop today. Collage students lawfully gathering during a snow storm in Beantown, throwing those dangerous Anarchist soft and fluffy weapons of choice, the deadly snowball! Mind you these were no ordinary snowball projectiles, these were the most deviant type, consisting of extra dry semi frozen acid rain. Yes dear citizens of Boston, those student were standing on a field of acid rain snow. They were on acid. This explains the uncontrollable laughter and general mass mirth; the smiling and lack of common restraint afforded the more socially refined members of the general public who stayed safely inside wrapped in blankets and slippers made of dead dinosaur goo. If only the police had drones, imagine how much safer we would be.

Did I piss you off? I will    

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Copyright Policing and Big Media Infringment

 Hidden within the fine print of usage contracts, purposely stuck at or near the bottom so as to bore you to sleep, hide one or two sentences of what has become the finest of lines between your life as a free man or felon in prison. What makes this all the more troubling is the Big Media companies are trying to take control of policing any supposed infringement of their profit machines via legislation. Is this a good idea? Hardly. As a writer I have been informed of a few class action copyright infringement law suits that I may have had a claim to. Everyone of them involved one or more of the big motion picture and television studios. None of my scripts were ripped off, I don't write the kind of stories that they steal, I'm an art house kind of guy. I did notice that soon after a rather large number of new TV line ups changed drastically. We all know motion picture and mainstream music sales have also fallen off drastically in resent years. According to the studio exec's it is because of piracy, not poor movies and cookie-cutter pop stars. Those people on the internet are stealing the crap they stole first. For as long as entertainment has been around entertainers have been ripped off, then sued. Writers fall into the same category, as do the buying public. None of these proposed and pending laws are needed. They are simply wanted by major corporations as a legal means to bully more money from your pocket. They want to police themselves and us.The policy of self policing has and always will be less than poor judgement when allowed to occur. Allowing the fox in the hen house, so to speak, is just what this type of legislation will do. One last note, they want the power to levy fines, impose prison sentences and or bar you for life from what is fast becoming the only information highway available to the masses. How many politicians can you buy?

Did I piss you off? I will.

the above is protected by copyright, reproduction and or redistribution in part or in whole is forbidden without the express permission of said copyright holder. (unless I like you or your work. In that case you may at your discretion use and or redistribute in whole or in part as you see fit infinitum )