Fools rule over the stupid. Tomorrow will decide not just how many fools but just how stupid the people have become.
Stupid people are easily fooled into believing propaganda. I'll give an example: goat and lamb. Goat and lamb are consumed by more people world wide than cow. Americans are afraid of goat and lamb. Really. Few have tasted it, few have seen it and few have cooked it but when asked the overwhelming answer is - "It stinks", as in it smells.
The fact that it doesn't stink it irrelevant. They have been told that it stinks therefore it stinks. Period.
So who told them this? That is where this gets interesting. Goat is the main protein source in Africa. Not all that popular in the British Isles and Norther Europe. Throughout Southern Europe and the Mediterranean goat and lamb are very popular, as it is in Asia, the Middle East and throughout what once was known as Persia and the Ottoman Empire. There is a pattern here. Skin pigmentation.
When people from these regions first came to the United States they were poor refugees and as such where housed in ghettos. Ghettos stink.
As recently as my childhood garlic was still considered a vile smelling ingredient used mostly in abundance by the Italians and Portuguese. Both of these groups were still considered to be not white but dark skinned. Italians are now thought of as white. Portuguese not thought of as anything more than dockworkers and thieves who eat garlic and stink.
As a note the Irish were considered not white and vile. Jews were not considered to be white until recently, oddly all other people with the same skin pigmentation from the same area are still not white. You can draw a direct line connecting the financial rise from ghetto to middle class and above that correlates with Jews being bestowed with whiteness in the eyes of many. In other words once out of the ghetto they no longer stink.
People from Mexico and south are not white. They eat food that is not white food. Many have been forced to live in ghettos therefore they stink as well.
All of these people listed above did not eat beef as a primary source of protein. Goat and lamb. They ate goat and lamb, they lived in ghettos, ghettos stink therefore the food they eat stinks as well.
Enter the beef producers and advertising. Poor people who eat food that stinks do not eat beef therefore beef is what white America must "have for dinner" or you too will stink.
Propaganda is subliminal. It always feeds of the fear of others. The others always stink. They are always a threat to your job, way of life and they eat strange food.
What does this have to do with the midterms? Everything. Beef production is killing the land air and water. Small scale family farms are not a threat, it's the big corporate farms that are the threat. If you don't know by now the big Ag corporations are Multinational not good ol' American. Goat and lamb are very eco friendly. They are easy to raise on small scale family farms. The GOP supports big Ag, not small scale family farms. 80% of all money from farm subsides are granted to the Multinational Agriculture Corporations. They are increasingly mechanized. They don't need workers from south of the border. When a small family farm goes under who do you think buys up the land?
Vote. Vote Blue and save a farmer. Save a farmer and eat for life.
Below is a little something I tossed in just to piss you off (I'm talking to you Donny boy):
President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Monday that the United States was cutting off aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador because they hadn’t stopped “people from leaving their country and coming illegally to the U.S.”
During the Cold War, communist countries routinely forbade their
citizens from leaving. Nowhere was this more evident than in the Soviet
Union. Moscow not only insisted that potential migrants, especially
Jewish ones, obtain an exit visa to leave, but routinely denied such
visas, and then labeled the applicants, who came to be known as
refuseniks, as disloyal to the country and persecuted them.
The United States led the West’s opposition to that policy.
In 1974, Congress passed the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, which, in effect,
made the normalization of trade relations with the Soviet Union and
other communist countries conditional on their compliance with free
emigration policies that are required under international treaties.
did i piss you off?
i will