
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Oregon or Bust

How about those fine upstanding citizens hunkered down in a bird sanctuary?  Bet they teach those federal owned birds a thing or two about freedom.

I have to admit it takes a certain breed of man to travel all the way up from Arizona to Oregon with a supply of ramen  noodles and not much more.

Is this guy a great leader or what!? 

This is just who we the people need to show us how to preserve our rights and freedoms. Yes sirrie Bob! Mr. Bundy could be leading the republican presidential nomination ticket. Don't you go and dismiss his Wyle Coyote ways. Remember that pesky Road runner was a western bird. Just not up Oregon way. More of a desert hot weather dweller.

Well no matter. He brought canned beans and ramen noodles and a whole bag of cheetoes, think it was a whole bag or had been at some point. Did he remember toilet paper and his toothbrush?

Now that was fun.
This part is the serious bit.

Here's what these assholes are really trying to do. Con you into abolishing federal owned land. They just happen to, by some coincidence own farm/ ranches abutting a good portion of federal owned land.

Land they have been squatting on. Land that has made them wealthier than their neighbors. Land they could then turnaround and sell to gas and oil companies.

Then they would be rich.

We are talking about greedy conservatives. The ones who deny climate change because that is a VERY inconvenient truth.

While we're on inconvenient truths, a terrorist it anyone or group that uses fear as their main weapon. Radical Sunni Muslims don't have a monopoly on that.

Oh yeah, happy new year.

Pissing you off one post at a time. :)