Tuesday, October 25, 2016
What's new in Morton County ND
Hidden among the softly rolling hills an army of local "peace officers", National guardsmen and private "security" personnel stand at the ready to protect the sanctity of corporation. Strengthened by their faith in the God of the underworld, Black Tar!
Below these "brave" heavily armed soldiers of the only true religion stand the hundreds. Chanting prayers in a tongue unknown to the helmeted ears of greed and destruction. But fear not dear citizens! This army of the underworld will smash and spray and shoot ( oh, soon they hope!) those People of the Land of the Sacred Stones, the Standing Rock Sioux, who in ignorance of the euro invaders and the future plans to rip and rape the Mother Earth had the audacity to bury their dead among these hills.
Adding insult these indigenous peoples actually think water is worth more than oil profits. They would has us believe their children and the children of these children infinitum, matter more than profits today! How rude and self centered! Physics alone shows the dominance of oil over water. Parts float upon and parts sink below! Therefore oil trumps water! (pun intended)
And so dear citizens I beg of you in these dire times of need stand and be heard!
Poles are opening across this once great land of the People. To assist you here is a link to those seeking election in Morton county, North Dakota. With special note to these guys.
(a special extremely posthumous thank you to that bigot and felonious fugitive author O. Henry)
I stand in solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters of the Standing Rock Sioux.
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I will
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
The Cost of the Homeless? Why the numbers lie.
The cost of dealing with the homeless, if you take reports on the problem and associated financial data as provided by local governing bodies seems shockingly high. And it is. Way too high.
These numbers are fed to the taxpayers as problematic. They are very problematic, but not for the reasons stated by local agencies.
I give you Santa Barbara California.
Santa Barbara has been cracking down on the homeless.
" Average home prices top a million dollars, tourism is the fastest growing industry, vacancy rates are near zero, and the city’s 900 homeless are a constant source of tension for merchants and residents."
Tourism. Who are these tourists? The rich. They don't like seeing people who are less rich.
Near zero is not zero. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are also "near"zero.
The Santa Barbara solution is to criminalize homelessness. What does that mean? It takes more police hours, more jail time and more court time. The cost per day in the county jail per inmate is $160. That is $4,800 per 30 days. The cost of a two bedroom apartment in Santa Barbara is $2,000 per month.
To incarcerate 2 people for a month costs the taxpayers $9,600. 4 people run $19,200, Four homeless people could be housed in one 2 bedroom for $2,000 saving a total of $17,200 per month.
It gets better. Santa Barbara has 15 cops whose job it is is "predominantly" dealing with the homeless problem. That is an annual salary of $58,226 per officer x's 15 = $72,782.5 per month or $873,390 per annum. But the city government has no money to do much to alleviate the plight of the homeless.
None of these figures take into the costs incurred by the jailing staff, clerks both jail and courts or the judge's time.
This is government waste in the highest degree.
The monies if put into affordable housing would after 3 to 5 yrs save the city millions within the next 3 to 5 years.
So is it false economic theory, creative spin and/or stupidity?
One city’s key to keeping its California paradise: Arrest the homeless
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
A Personal Comment about Hillary Clinton
Yes she has "fought" for women's rights, but again, that was in a cushy job that paid 3x what the average male worker was paid then. $28,000 yr. vs $6,000 yr. A new car could be bought for $2,500 - $3,000. Women were paid quite a lot less. I do not consider that a convincing argument. I also have a hard time believing a feminist would "stand by her man" through multiple affairs.
Hillary changes with the tide, but only she is allowed that luxury.
Predatory child criminals. Her words, not mine. How many of those children incarcerated under Bill Clinton's get tough on crime bill have been allowed to change and be released? Pro Panama Treaty, (???) pro TPP, anti marriage equality until, that is, the tide of public opinion turned. Ties to Wall Street (donors don't count because they were individuals and not the whole corporation, don't cha know?), tied to people tied to the Panama Papers (see Panama Treaty above) tying her to Israel and Russia, Reaching out to Jeb Bush's people now that Jeb is out, blatantly ignoring security protocol before, during and after her stint as Secretary of State.
Is that what you want in a President?
What is her foreign policy? How's this; $6,000,000 directly and indirectly from Israel to her presidential campaign. Not from US citizens sympathetic to Israel, but right from Israel. "Who's in your wallet?"
Is this what you want in a US President? This is not a candidate for sale. This is one bought and paid for.
Hillary has a long history of flip flopping on issues. Lately she has taken to parroting Senetor Sanders.
from The Nation 5/10/2016,
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
My Problem with Hillary
My problem comes from a conveniently ignored fact of life. People generally get more conservative as they age. They do not get more liberal and progressive.
At the age of 16 Hillary was an AuH2O girl, by the age of 18 she was a registered democrat. That was around 1968. It was what all the cool kids were doing.
In my opinion Hillary follows the crowd. She was for the war when all the cool kids were for it and against it when all the cool kids stopped being for it.
Hillary can not be a progressive and be beholding to Wall Street.
The main arguments against Bernie are he wants to give away free stuff and how can he possibly implement anything with the congress we have.
Seams we heard this same argument before. FDR, Obama ring a bell? There are two ways to implement change. One is through slow and short steps and the other can be very ugly. Ask Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and any of the other countries the United States has 'encouraged' to change regimes.
I do not trust Hillary Clinton. I spent my teenaged years in Westchester N.Y.. I rode my bike and ran long distance for wrestling training to Chappaqua N.Y. as well as Cos Cob and Ridgefield Ct. I do not know any progressives outside of the teaching staff, now or then living in Northern Westchester County.
I went to this quaint little school on Jay St in Katonah, N.Y. I know what I'm talking about.
Thank you Mr. John McMahon and Mr.Don Page Sutherland for the knowledge you imparted.
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Monday, February 15, 2016
Corporations, Pro-Life, Suicide and Body Parts for Sale. OH MY!
Money is free speech.
The right to life.
Selling body/baby parts
OK, corporations are people and have the right to free speech in the form of dollar "donations" to politicians and causes of their choosing.
Many of these politicians run on a conservative right wing Christian platform that among other things is pro life regardless of any financial, life threatening or emotional consequence that may be incurred by the mother as a result of carrying to term. They are against suicide and the selling of body/baby parts.
Corporations are people.
Corporate bankruptcy is in some cases a form of abortion. It is allowed to protect the health of the corporation, which we know is a person.
People are not allowed to commit suicide. The taking of one's life is immoral and wrong.
Dissolving a corporation is the corporate equivalent of suicide.
This must not be allowed to happen. Corporations are people too and,
Corporations are people.
Corporations selling off assets is selling body/baby parts.
Corporations are people.
So make up your mind. Are corporations always people or just when personhood is convenient?
did I piss you off?
I will
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Oregon or Bust
How about those fine upstanding citizens hunkered down in a bird sanctuary? Bet they teach those federal owned birds a thing or two about freedom.
I have to admit it takes a certain breed of man to travel all the way up from Arizona to Oregon with a supply of ramen noodles and not much more.
Is this guy a great leader or what!?
This is just who we the people need to show us how to preserve our rights and freedoms. Yes sirrie Bob! Mr. Bundy could be leading the republican presidential nomination ticket. Don't you go and dismiss his Wyle Coyote ways. Remember that pesky Road runner was a western bird. Just not up Oregon way. More of a desert hot weather dweller.
Well no matter. He brought canned beans and ramen noodles and a whole bag of cheetoes, think it was a whole bag or had been at some point. Did he remember toilet paper and his toothbrush?
Now that was fun.
This part is the serious bit.
Here's what these assholes are really trying to do. Con you into abolishing federal owned land. They just happen to, by some coincidence own farm/ ranches abutting a good portion of federal owned land.
Land they have been squatting on. Land that has made them wealthier than their neighbors. Land they could then turnaround and sell to gas and oil companies.
Then they would be rich.
We are talking about greedy conservatives. The ones who deny climate change because that is a VERY inconvenient truth.
While we're on inconvenient truths, a terrorist it anyone or group that uses fear as their main weapon. Radical Sunni Muslims don't have a monopoly on that.
Oh yeah, happy new year.
Pissing you off one post at a time. :)