
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Preferably With An Erection

Recently I had  engaged in an online conversation with a gentleman who feels that it is an undue burden on businesses to be forced to "pay" for birth control options for their female employees. On the other hand,  it is fine for the same employers to "pay" for viagra for the male employees. His reasoning for this is viagra enhances the quality of life for men and women should just control their urges.
I'm fascinated by his logic. Mostly because it's illogical. Unless sex has changed recently  without my knowledge,  it still requires both a female and a male (preferably with an erection), to achieve the goal.

And so on to my confusion. Let's say women, possibly through a miracle of zen Buddhism, are suddenly able to achieve this form of inner strength , peace and enlightenment and the strongest of all natural urges is conquered, what would be the outcome?

Got Kleenex?

This lack of logical thought and self induced  hypocrisy appears to be running amuck these days, or is this the new black?  We find it in almost every aspect of American culture now.  From the so far to the right they are always wrong tea party members, the evangelical conservative 'I've never actually read the bible ' bible thumping war on Christianity religious freedom but only our version of our  religion. We keep hearing about a war on religion. But, it doesn't exist. Not really. This supposed war is a one sided one. Those claiming to be under attack are the ones doing the attacking. 

This is a well known tactic used in the past by Hitler, Stalin, McCarthy and many more. McCarthy, as an example, used a non-existent communist infiltration of America as a means of getting rid of Americans he didn't like or agree with. Today we have Ted Cruz,, who like McCarthy, is a junior unschooled politician looking for fame and power. Cruz, the son of an immigrant who entered the US illegally, (one. must first be in the country without the proper visa before one can apply for political asylum ) is anti-immigration. He is also against normalizing ties with Cuba. You might wonder why. His family had, you know, originally supported Castro until they figured out Castro was not going to bestow favor on them. (this is an assumption based on the families initial support of the revolution and the subsequent betrayal by Castro of many of the Cuban elites). Ted, I might add, is one of the biggest 'war on Christian conspiracy trumpeters. 

And now we have the GOP frontrunner who has claimed among other things that he was offered a scholarship to West Point Academy and Joseph built the pyramids to store grain in.

I have it on good authority that West Point doesn't offer any scholarships. I happen to know a West Point grad, recently promoted to  General, and am well acquainted with the processe involved in garnering an apointment to the Academy. (I've known him since he and my brother were in junior high school together)  

About this Joseph claim. If as Dr (?) Carson claims, the pyramids were built as he has stated, with all those Jews enslaved by Egypt,  where the rolling  purple doughnut did Mr Joseph get the laborers to  build the pyramids? Labor Force perhaps? Craig's list? Angels in the Mist?

I find myself beginning to lean towards the conviction that in certain situations aborting a pregnancy might not be as much of an abomination as some would like us to believe. 

did I piss you off?  I will

(rolling purple doughnut is an homige to  those brave men and crazy ass poets of the Fugs)