Running with the assumption you have been following the GOP presidential candidate hopefuls, I have to ask who voted these people into office in the first place?
To the person they have at best a poor knowledge of American history and at worst, none what so ever. Contrary to their claims America was not founded on Christianity. Their interpretation of the bill of rights consists solely of a warped and self-serving view that ignores the rights of the majority of citizens. Two of them are the sons of immigrants. One of these is the son of an immigrant who had been granted political asylum. Funny thing about that, you can't apply until you are either past your stay as stated on your visa or you have to have entered illegally. The other? Well let's point out his family bio is a smidgen fabricated and leave it at that. These are two of the most vocal anti-immigrant hopefuls,
This looks to be one interesting race to the bottom.
did I piss you off? I will.