
Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Truth Behind The War On Christianity

For the past few decades  we have been  hearing a constant stream of  this  supposed  war on Christianity. Waged  by Hollywood  and the  Liberal  Media,  homosexuals, moral deviants,  socialists and fascists. Who are these poor innocent Christians who have found themselves under  attack? Who wages war against them and to what end must these Christians  go to defend Christianity?

The answer goes back to just after WII. The beginning of the new Evangelical movement. Some Evangelicals formed  churches, some discovered radio. And they made money. What, at the time was a lot of  money. The money would become the main  motivation to expand their  reach.
By the early 1970's out of this movement sprang  the Born again Christians headed  by James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Francis A. Schaefer, D. James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell and others.* 

As their influence  grew so grew their thirst for power. They  courted politicians and began grooming their  followers to run for office. The goal?  Create  a Christian theocracy. But to achieve this they had to convince their  followers that not just America but Christianity was under attack. Enter the Moral Majority.

Under this new name they concentrated on public policy. After Reagan was elected they formed the CNP (Council for National Policy). A forerunner of ALEC. Headed by the likes of Falwell. Robertson, Rushdoony and Amway founder R. DeVvos Sr. and Jos. Coors of Coors Beer.*

 Throughout the years evangelical  members  were introduced  to senators  and governors.  Ronald Reagan was very receptive. He would later appoint one to Surgeon General (Koop) and nominated   for Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia. G.W. Bush (born again/saved in 1984) would appoint Clarence Thomas. They sit there to this  day. 

Both houses  of  Congress are littered with  them. They call  themselves  tea party activists and libertarians. And they have declared  war on all who do not hold to their religious beliefs. Since they are at war with the "Them", the "Them" must be at  war  with the "True Believers ", as they call themselves.

These "Believers " lie, cheat, steal and kill under the guise that as long as it is done to the non-believers it is moral to do so. They are special. God, according to their religious beliefs, has given  them free  admission to Heaven. Their goal is to usher in the second  coming  and the rapture. It's  not climate change as those atheist scientists claim. It's God's word and will. Jesus is God to them and God is Jesus. God/Jesus only loves  them. 

American FascistsThe Christian Right and the War on America

*American Fascist: The Christian Right and the War on America was the main text used as reference. I witnessed this movement's growth from the age of 12 on. Now, as back then, I have yet to understand how anyone with the ability to think could fall for the lies of these hucksters. 
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