In the not so distant past in a land of make believe, far from the realities of reason, there lived a loud and uninformed group of baboons. getting down to the reality of this, the distant past is still present, the baboons call themselves the Tea Party and their reality is twice removed from a bad Hollywood movie. Remember the birther nonsense over President Obama's certificate? I seems that the Tea Party has. They have forgotten the points they made about President Obama's father, the short and long form certificate and the Presidents qualification to be President. Rumor has it that one of the front runners for the Republican nod to bid on the presidency is the Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. Mother born in Delaware, father born in Cuba. Ted born in Canada. Mr. Cruz, the senior, became a citizen of Canada; when I have been unable to confirm, some time within the eight years he and moma lived up north. Ted was born four years after the Canadian relocation. As I pointed out I don't know if Papa was still a Cuban or a new Canadian, but either way he was not an US citizen.
Ted Cruz is well known for pointing to his father's working as a dishwasher for $0.50/hr as a University student, however in 1957 the national expected wage/AKA minimum per hour in that field was $1.00. (Wiki had this info but it has been edited out)
To restate what was in The Little Red Blog, why did Papa Cruz wait 48 years to take the oath of citizenship? Oh, wait, that was 2005 just prior to Ted getting into politics now wasn't that convenient?
Did I piss you off? I will.