
Friday, May 17, 2013

How To Patent The Population Into Compliance: The Buying Of The Worlds Food Supply One GMO At A Time

Patents are for the protection of the application, manufacture and usage of inventions.
The key word here is invention. Have companies actually invented a seed or, have they only modified a genetic part that would have occurred naturally through the evolutionary process? Within the last decade or two  viruses and bacteria have evolved resistance via overexposure to once powerful medications due to their use as both a disease preventative and their growth inducing properties in livestock. Cliff Swallows nesting in southwest Nebraska living near high traffic areas have evolved shorter wingspans allowing them to better dodge cars and trains.
Cliff Swallows adapting to life on the road, study shows | Audubon Magazine Blog
A steamhammer(example used in patent definition) is entirely man made. Seeds are not. There is no dispute that companies such as Monsanto have genetically modified seeds, but have they actually invented or improved on an existing invention? No, seeds are a product of nature and as such modify naturally. Weeds are already RoundUp Ready without man's intervention. Monsanto genetics had nothing to do with that, well yes they did, farmers are spraying more RoundUp than ever before. Maybe Monsanto will sue the weeds in the fields too. Through the use of patent law and a Subprime Court (that is not a typo), this chemical company is actively bullying and buying control of the food supply and reaping massive profits while doing it.
One more thing to get you going- contrary to the Big Ag machines claims they are suing farmers left and right. Monsanto Still Suing Nelsons, Other Growers   I like the part about Monsanto reps forging the Nelson's signature on a legal document after the fact.

did I piss you off? I will

Friday, May 3, 2013

Good for The Corporation VS For The Good of The People: why privatization fails on every level-part one

part 2 below.

Prisons are being privatized, education has been privatized and our roads are well on their way to corporate control. Privatization has been touted as a cost saving way of keeping government from growing larger and taxing us to death. Look at the reality of privatization. Prisons, education and roads for the profit of those who control them. We the People still pay for them, it's just not called taxes but fees. With prisons run as a profit making entity the motivation to release prisoners who have completed the time handed down to them by the courts greatly diminishes. An empty bed makes no profit for the shareholders. Try thinking of it this way, remember the Eagles song "Hotel California"? 'You can checkout anytime you want, but you can never leave'. This is already happening in be continued.

did I piss you off? I will.

Part 2.

As our country is privatized we, the citizens, lose our right to vote on what and how our country is run and by whom. A board of directors and stockholders will have the only say as to what and how things are done. This is not what this country was founded on. This is not the American way nor is this democracy. Our politicians are slowly becoming nothing more than corporate pawns, unaware that once their usefulness has been exhausted they too will be disposable. Science has been all but removed from the classroom, our children are now being taught that dinosaurs lived and walked with Moses and Jesus. If that were so then are the Saints now crude oil? (I know that pissed you off) There is no room for science in religion. Religions run on a premise of blind faith, not facts. Children are still being taught that until the white man came to America the natives had no religion and no idea how to grow crops. Funny that, as the indigenous peoples not only taught the starving pilgrims what to grow but how to grow it. There was and still is a belief system, religion if you prefer, among the indigenous population that all people were connected not just with their group but with all living things. Ignorance is part of the problem. Education, real education is the solution. The duty of the educator is to educate with known facts not blind faith fact less overtly edited  translations of translated books written by people who still thought the earth was flat and hallucinated talking bushes on fire in the desert.

The great hypocrisy in this is the organizations pushing the hardest for privatization of all things government and the denial of scientific findings, and are pushing for a so called Christian based school system are backed by or were founded by people who are not even Christian. You will still have your prayers to give you solace as you are forced to toil until you die. It won't help any more than wishing on a star but, you will still have that.

did I piss you off? I will.